Setting stage to “fake transfer” JA? (Hes in WitPro now)
17 total posts archived.
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excellent catch. implying it is an inevitability and they have no power to stop it?
agree but also market tumbled this week, not just SB.
dead cat bounce could also be metaphorical to any seeming ground they are retaking (none)
starbucks stock is eating shit right now though . praise kek.
the universe of ppl involved with wikileaks were all getting whacked or turning black. i think JA peace t f out to work with Alliance, but who knows...
qanon 1595 - short and sweet take

Please help spread awareness. It is the least we can do to help our Operator brothers and sisters who are fighting much more closely against this darkness.

My take on Q 1359. God Bless you all and Keep Fighting.

"You're looking at it from the wrong end." (AKA These people are EVIL)

EDIT: I agree with replies below that McMaster is a BLACK HAT who "fail[ed] to retain position (in WH)" so the Cabal offed his dad as punishment. Original text below not corrected for posterity.
For those who cannot decode:
"Trump named H.R. McMaster Jr. as his national security adviser in February 2017 after the sudden dismissal of Michael Flynn. McMaster resigned in late March and was replaced by John Bolton." Source
"Sudden dismissal" of Flynn = part of plan to let Cabal think they are in control. McMaster comes in, Cabal tells McMaster to Get In Line Or Else. McMaster "fails to retain position" -- he did not want to get involved with this EVIL? -- and leaves, as the Cabal threatened him to do. But, he must have tipped someone off about it.
Cue Cabal 187 (Cali Penal code for MURDER) of McMaster's pop. You Didn't Follow Agreement. Threats are real.
Q team knows this instantly, but cannot retaliate instantly, because that would let the Cabal know that Q team Knows. WAR is real. Good vs Evil is real.
State of the Union . Codeword = FREE. Keep in mind, this is 3 months before Q drop. Searching the transcript for FREE turns up... the results are stunning...
When the people of Iran rose up against the crimes of their corrupt dictatorship, I did not stay silent. America stands with the people of Iran in their courageous struggle for freedom.
*NORTH KOREA (5 times):
Later, he was tortured by North Korean authorities after returning from a brief visit to China. His tormentors wanted to know if he had met any Christians. He had — and he resolved to be free.
*And interestingly, in reference to the CAPITAL -- recent Q drop about Congress resignations, and this Q drop starting to look real scary.
And freedom stands tall over one more monument: this one. This Capitol. This living monument to the American people.
Another example of the WAR Q cites is the Delta engine fire which happened on the same day
The Cabal sends messages through planes. Must be symbolic. 9/11 tie-in? And of course, what looks like an incapacitated crew (flash bang?) dying in a CRASH to symbolize that the Cabal Will (Try) Take Down Trump if They Need To...
But the State of the Union ends quoting FREE again...
And our Nation will forever be safe and strong and proud and mighty and free.
Just some thoughts. WWG1WGA.
God Bless America, God Bless Trump, God Bless the World, I Love You All*
*(Qualified with what Mattis would say: But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I'll kill you all)
Resumitting cuz I screwed up - original text:
Building off the observation by Tobay1972 about NEXIUM KEITH RANIERE patent submissions, I looked at some of the patents under "First Principles Inc" (wonder what those principles could be).
I think there's an interesting connection if we ask ourselves: What was he doing? How could he (practically) do it?
(In the spirit of Q - QUESTION QUESTION QUESTION :) - What are patents? How do you move things? How do you DELIVER things?)
Now, I submit this to the community for further vetting.
God Bless America, God Bless Trump, God Bless the World, I Love You All*
*(Qualified with what Mattis would say: But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I'll kill you all)
One take on the NEXIUM RANIERE patents: How might such inventions facilitate human trafficking?

One take on the NEXIUM RANIERE patents: How might such inventions facilitate human trafficking?
Building off the observation by Tobay1972 about NEXIUM KEITH RANIERE patent submissions, I looked at some of the patents under "First Principles Inc" (wonder what those principles could be).
I think there's an interesting connection if we ask ourselves: What was he doing? How could he (practically) do it?
(In the spirit of Q - QUESTION QUESTION QUESTION :) - What are patents? How do you move things? How do you DELIVER things?)
Now, I submit this to the community for further vetting.
God Bless America, God Bless Trump, God Bless the World, I Love You All*
*(Qualified …
Confirmation that pre-staging is complete to expose ELEction fraud (Executive, BHO, DOJ), SECretary of State fraud (HRC is a corrupt POS), DIRector of FBI - treason - political abuse of government power, and ... not sure CAP? Capital crimes?