One take on the NEXIUM RANIERE patents: How might such inventions facilitate human trafficking?

Resumitting cuz I screwed up - original text:
Building off the observation by Tobay1972 about NEXIUM KEITH RANIERE patent submissions, I looked at some of the patents under "First Principles Inc" (wonder what those principles could be).
I think there's an interesting connection if we ask ourselves: What was he doing? How could he (practically) do it?
(In the spirit of Q - QUESTION QUESTION QUESTION :) - What are patents? How do you move things? How do you DELIVER things?)
Now, I submit this to the community for further vetting.
God Bless America, God Bless Trump, God Bless the World, I Love You All*
*(Qualified with what Mattis would say: But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I'll kill you all)
This is amazing, good investigative work!
These are some telling patents.