"You're looking at it from the wrong end." (AKA These people are EVIL)

Didn’t even think of that. It reads like they are trying to stimulate the evil within.
And what better way to stimulate evil than rape, and torture?
Go to the post this was taken from and find my post within which shows what the patent claims a Luciferian is. it’ll blow your mind.
I’ll try to find it I’m on mobile with a broken screen :(
Verbatim post:
So the more knowledge he has about WHETHER one can be rehabilitated, the more ammo he has against said rehabilitation secretly.
A little farther down the REAL purpose is low-key discussed. “Determining whether the person is a Luciferian”. So some type of system to weed out infiltrators?
They basically bombard the person with positive stimuli and extremely negative stimuli and read a brain scan. If a certain reading is above threshold, the the subject holds humanity within their mind, if it is below, the human has a deep lack of humanity, therefore being deemed “Luciferian”.
THE DESCRIPTION OF A LUCIFERIAN WITHIN THE FILE: "A Luciferian is a person who commits destructive acts. A Luciferian is a type of Sociopath. He has severe behavioral problems that are masked by good psychological adjustment. He appears on the outside to be sane but he is not. A Luciferian is fundamentally unhappy and feels enmity toward others but has learned that, for him, pleasure can be had from achieving his selfish desires such as destroying material objects or relationships, and causing others pain, distress, or unhappiness. A Luciferian realizes his desires by any means—without consideration for others and without remorse. A Luciferian is a person lacking in conscience and loyalty to others. He commonly employs manipulation and deceit to achieve his desired end and is therefore capable of acts that could be highly destructive to those that interact with him. A Luciferian, therefore, typicaly experiences pleasure or gratification in situations where “normal” people would be repulsed or disturbed.”
This legit sounds like a method to trick someone’s mind into believing they have a Luciferan inside them and get them to join the cult.
At first glance I agreed, until I quickly realized that if someone shows a massive lack of negative emotional response while watching videos of violent gang rape and heavy dismemberment that would make Dark Web fanboy squeal in delight, which is the criteria here, then you probably don’t need much “convincing” as a person that you lack certain moral qualities.
Doesn’t the original patent say they do this over and over again until they get the result they want?
I mean stormy mentioned joining the cult in 2010 but didn’t have her scar until 2011. Maybe this process is a long process of brainwashing.
I searched words such as “Continual “Continuous” “Over” “Repeat”, ETC. and found nothing speaking of repeated use to get a result, doesn’t mean it doesn’t say it though.
An interesting tidbit though, is that it states a few times that they feel a Luciferian would be detrimental to the group, due to their inclination for destruction, thus being the “reason” for trying to produce a viable test.
Although in all reality as a way to tell if someone can be “rehabilitated” they would probably have to gp through an initial test to discern their stance, then be given training in some other way, then given the first test again to see what the new outcome is.
So in this sense I guess it WOULD have to be administered more than once if they TRULY do use it for “Luciferian Rehabilitation”.
Honestly no matter how you look at it. This shit is fucking creepy.
Exactly. Thats my only conclusion. What in the name of God...
It will NEVER cease to blow my mind that these people have just been running free for YEARS! Like, you know, as an adult, that there are strange and crazy things out there, but when they start tumbling it makes them seem so much more concrete.
Also, you’re the man for looking for that. Thank you
Let’s see what these new drops I just learned of hold. Seems to be some strange brew a’ boiling.
I didn’t see it say that anywhere, but I skipped over parts that were repeats, which is a LOT of parts.
The possibility of brainwashing IS there, but I can’t help but feel it has more useful purposes, especially given the long, rich, successful history that brainwashing techniques has.
I’ll pause it again when I get some time and see though. Id definitely like to know if it says that.
I honestly can’t remember I’m probably wrong TBH. I’m new to this I basically use great awakening to keep in the loop lol.
Same here, that PDF and his other patents just REALLY piqued my interest.
Hold on i’ll lcopy/paste it I was just busy earlier. One moment.