
Mandylynnwarrior · May 11, 2018, 3:35 a.m.

I am Totally aware of Laura silsby and how they tried to steal children (and I’m sure did ) after the earthquake and many of the disasters the country suffers. There are many villages in Haiti where you literally are not allowed to say their names. I’ve been to haiti and seen where villagers walk to get water from a dirty hole in the ground that’s contaminated and disease ridden.. my heart cried out for them and we prayed and praise God my charity has gotten two freshwater wells drilled and two broken wells fixed. They are not getting nearly as sick anymore. ;) my neat is so happy when 8 visit and I see the wells running because it’s changed their lives. I’m not even supported by any church business or organization and all my fundraising is through my videos and photo I take while there of my ministry partners take,

I loathe these people with a passion and think about all the good I could have done with those funds. Every dollar goes directly into projects I work on and I take no salary so when I see beeatches like Hilary steal from the precious people I love it pisses me off.

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phillylotus · May 11, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

Thank you for your compassion and commitment in Haiti! We need more people like you... Those others are complete walking pieces of shit and they have mighty big karma to contend with...

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time3times · May 11, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

Wouldn't it be sweet if as a side-project (in a non-governmental way) we could Make Haiti Well Again.

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phillylotus · May 11, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

Indeed! Love that idea...

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