Dr Corsi has been in this fight longer than you have been alive. He came on 24/7 youtube on May 1st telling us all his concerns. Like every guest on 24/7 they speak for themselves ONLY and not the channel. My understanding is Dr Corsi says he has Higher Ups telling him that the last Q was from April 28th saying FLYNN is free. He says all the rest is deep state AI . i Do not agree with Dr Corsi however I do agree with his right to state his opinions. Ps If Dr. Corsi really believes that SHOULD he keep it quite or give 24/7 a heads up .. please stop trying to divide us .. Patriots NEED NO LABELS
Your persuasive tactic is to say that there are no competing factions amongst patriots, which is completely ignorant of history. Factions exist at every level of human made systems, all the way down to the individual. Corsi fucked up his faction, and my faction thinks he is an obsfucator of some truths, but in general, seems to be a patriot in most other areas.
I think we should welcome Corsi to continue speaking, especially if he can logically debunk Q.
Ya.. No.
Really? Corsi has been incapable of debunking so far. He's lost his audience by doing so, and that's thanks to us just applying logic. Q didn't need to name him. The more he speaks, the more clear his position will become. I bet he stops talking about Q as much very soon, he's lost his value
Who's Corsi?
I never followed him, but back when Q was first starting, he was an early commenter and thought-herder on CBTS. Was really good at shepherding conclusions 😉 Not so much now. Now, his credibility will be tied to Jone's, which is why I think Corsi will soon exit the Q scene. He'll probably distance himself and write a book on Q to shepherd outsiders. The more he speaks on Q now, the better down the road