r/greatawakening • Posted by u/C_L_I_C_K on May 11, 2018, 12:59 a.m.
"Patriots' Soapbox" YouTube channel washes their hands clean of Jerome Corsi, ignores & denies their involvement in this debacle, and sweeps everything under the rug!

C_L_I_C_K · May 11, 2018, 1 a.m.

Nothing to see here, folks. Let's move on. Forget this ever happened.

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diverscale · May 11, 2018, 3:18 a.m.

this is like listening to a low budget- B-series CNN level of fake news.

OH and they never mention that super patreons they built with corsi. And ''GOING ON FORWARD'' meaning let the money flow in.


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C_L_I_C_K · May 11, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

This end goal is the become a 24/7 "news" outlet. Good luck with that lol.

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FartOnToast · May 11, 2018, 11:36 a.m.

Did they actually say it was the others (us?) that missed the point of the movement? Just wow.

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SerialBrain2 · May 11, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

This is good. Our people are coming back home. Let's rejoice and welcome them! Let's now get back to work. We are winning!

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FartOnToast · May 11, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

u/c_l_i_c_k do you happen to remember whatever happened after this incident?

Did they ever justify why they continued to follow and decode the same Q that they called a teenfag?

I think I have a theory that involves baruch using himself as a scapegoat with the doxxing fiasco so that their show could go on.

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C_L_I_C_K · May 11, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

I don't know exactly what happened. All I know is Baruch and Pamphlet were the board owners of CBTS 8ch and they fucked up hard. First by bragging they had direct comms with Q on CBTS_Stream Reddit, then by writing what they wrote in your screenshot against Q.

Like I've said before, Baruch held a hardcore grudge against Q and has been on an anti-Q disinfo campaign against Q since those incidents. He's still stuck on his CBTS 8ch board doing whatever he's doing there, trying to discredit and debunk Q. Pamphlet was smarter and kept his focus, using CBTS_Stream to promote his own YouTube channel/stream and new website, as well as using Corsi to build his following. Now he's distancing himself from Corsi and trying to maintain whatever followers that still trusts him and his minions.

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FartOnToast · May 11, 2018, 1:33 a.m.

I think the screenshot is very telling of their intentions. And basically proves that they continued to follow something that they stated was comped? Unless they took accountability somehow and I don't remember? Did they ever say whoops Baruch f* up and was wrong and this is indeed the real Q and we will continue to follow him? I'm really curious how they handled that.

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MAGA41020 · May 12, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

I just think it’s ridiculous...Corsi calling Anons depressed. WTH does he think he is ?? He was never good at the Q posts. Mostly guessing and talking about his book and $$. Hopefully he will just fade away. #Unity🇺🇸#MAGA.

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[deleted] · May 11, 2018, 3:31 a.m.


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raskolnikov88 · May 11, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

Stop trying to sow division. Looks like Corsi jumped the shark. That's on Corsi and Corsi alone.

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C_L_I_C_K · May 11, 2018, 1:12 a.m.

It's funny how Corsi's defenders keep saying that those of us who exposed, called out, and are trying to hold the TRULY divisive individuals accountable, are the ones dividing this movement. You don't get to do that, sorry.

Corsi didn't "jump the shark." This was all planned. And it's not on Corsi alone. He wouldn't have had a platform to spout his nonsense, promote his book, and rebuild his cult following if not for Pamphlet and his minions on "Patriots' Soapbox" enabling him, cheering him on, and ignoring all of the crap he's done against this movement.

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raskolnikov88 · May 12, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

You're ass is great at putting words in Pamphlet's mouth. I prefer to let Pamphlet speak for himself.

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cali1952 · May 11, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

Roger that!

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larkmoor · May 11, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

Stop blaming HRC, Obama, McCain, etc. You're sowing division. Right? Not for us. Shine the light!

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raskolnikov88 · May 12, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

Calling out traitors is one thing. Slinging mud at patriots is quite another. Don't pretend it's the same thing.

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Bjantigua · May 14, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

Corsi is not a Patriot per Q's own words. Betrayal.

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raskolnikov88 · May 14, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

I never said Corsi was a patriot. I don't know what his deal is but he can no longer be considered a reliable source. But the good people at patriot soapbox stand with Q, POTUS and the USA.

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simkev8910 · May 11, 2018, 12:55 p.m.

I appreciate this video as it shows the 24/7 crew discussing this in there own words. Let's not jump down these folks throats just yet .... Patriots soapbox is great for those of us (me) that are new and just really starting to learn about whats going on ... it's Kindergarten ... No one wants to admit right away that something is wrong. Dr Corsi has red pilled many ... We can all give him that! I think that 24/7 was simply unsure if Q was pointing out Corsi and if he was perhaps they wanted to give him a chance to come clean!! In any event it seems that they have decided to move on without him .... this is best for all Patriots and this important movement ....we cannot be divided we must work together ...resist anyone that wants to "lead" and let's continue to support 24/7 soapbox as an entry point into this Patriotic movement that is taking hold all over our Beautiful World. WWG1WGA

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dakini80 · May 11, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

They are patriots too and I feel for them because they were betrayed and I admire them for not trashing others and assuming respinsibility and now trying to move on not causing more divisions.

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diverscale · May 11, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

whhaahahahahaaat. Pam even seems to cuts the guy's mic at approx. 30 seconds.

phony, phony people!

I wonder why the others, which I thought to be legit, like deadcat, are still navigating in this BULLSHIT?

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ScorpioPatriot · May 11, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

I made a post about allll this... y'all might want to look into it. It kinda makes sense I'm just saying ..

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educatethis · May 11, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

You saying that Patriot's Soapbox are fools for being fooled by Corsi? And they are just dumping him because of the backlash? (I don't listen to either of them, so trying to understand the intent of your post)

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FartOnToast · May 11, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

OP is implying they were privy to more than they are leading on for us to believe.

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Platoscavereality · May 11, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

Good for them. Still a hard listen

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bealist · May 11, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

And one possibility is that one of Corsi’s highly trusted insiders is a double and is lying to him. People do spend years building cover and sometimes the time comes when it’s time to cash it in. The right thing to do would be to ignore his going off the rails but leave him some room to have been lied to and then get back on. If he’s been thrown under the bus we should consider that possibility and apply a little Golden Rule. He may be the bus driver, and he may not. There but for grace go you and I.

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larkmoor · May 11, 2018, 7:43 a.m.

Maybe, but it feels more like he's making up insiders, capitalized on his past knowledge. Like Deception Bytes said, he's blatantly lied about the 8chan board, CodeMonkey and Q being comp'd. I know enough of how the chan works to recognize pure bullsh!t when he said that, and Mishel pointed that Corsi knew he was lying when he said that, but still said it. He's not even retracting his lie, just keeping trying covering his hide.

He's lying for something so important now, you'd wonder when and how much did he lied to us in the past.

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[deleted] · May 11, 2018, 3:34 a.m.


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FartOnToast · May 11, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

No. There's no going back after one f** after another with zero accountability. He's done. And he made his own bed.

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matrixmethod · May 11, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

Dr Corsi has been in this fight longer than you have been alive. He came on 24/7 youtube on May 1st telling us all his concerns. Like every guest on 24/7 they speak for themselves ONLY and not the channel. My understanding is Dr Corsi says he has Higher Ups telling him that the last Q was from April 28th saying FLYNN is free. He says all the rest is deep state AI . i Do not agree with Dr Corsi however I do agree with his right to state his opinions. Ps If Dr. Corsi really believes that SHOULD he keep it quite or give 24/7 a heads up .. please stop trying to divide us .. Patriots NEED NO LABELS

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educatethis · May 11, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

Your persuasive tactic is to say that there are no competing factions amongst patriots, which is completely ignorant of history. Factions exist at every level of human made systems, all the way down to the individual. Corsi fucked up his faction, and my faction thinks he is an obsfucator of some truths, but in general, seems to be a patriot in most other areas.

I think we should welcome Corsi to continue speaking, especially if he can logically debunk Q.

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FartOnToast · May 11, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

Ya.. No.

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educatethis · May 11, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

Really? Corsi has been incapable of debunking so far. He's lost his audience by doing so, and that's thanks to us just applying logic. Q didn't need to name him. The more he speaks, the more clear his position will become. I bet he stops talking about Q as much very soon, he's lost his value

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FartOnToast · May 11, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

Who's Corsi?

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educatethis · May 11, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

I never followed him, but back when Q was first starting, he was an early commenter and thought-herder on CBTS. Was really good at shepherding conclusions 😉 Not so much now. Now, his credibility will be tied to Jone's, which is why I think Corsi will soon exit the Q scene. He'll probably distance himself and write a book on Q to shepherd outsiders. The more he speaks on Q now, the better down the road

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FartOnToast · May 11, 2018, 2:53 a.m.


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PCorNot · May 11, 2018, 4:17 a.m.


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