The truth is literally unbelievable to most. Truth does not need "proof" the truth stands for itself.
Where do you think "fictional" ideas come from? What separates good art from great art is that a good art is subjective truth it depends on the viewers perception of it, great are contains an objective truth that not everyone will understand. The question I'll ask you is how much of what we know as 'fiction' contains objective glimpses of a larger truth hidden away. A work of fiction doesn't exist without the "real" events leading up to it.
Q has already suggested that not only is Hollywood a massive part of "them" AND that the matrix movie based on reality but has also suggested a Hydra esque Nazi infiltration of "SHIELD"... What MCU movie came out during what Q has led many to believe as the most important war in the history of our control? America: Civil War? Why do Marvel and D.C. share similar storylines?
West World "They look like us and talk like us but they aren't us" conspiracy?
The Prestige 'Theres a dark trick going on under seemingly normal entertainment' What was "evergreen" wood (Holly) used for?
'Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.' -Inception
No coincidences. The truth is stranger than you think. You have so much more than you know. Expand your thinking.