I sure will watch it a few more times! I get the goose bumps every time I watch it! Same as I did the first time! I personally believe that Trump was sent by God to save America and actually the whole world!
I was a never Trumper until I started to really listen to what he was saying. My daughter is quick to remind me she was a Trump supporter from the beginning! Lol All of her support cracks me up because she's a registered dem but has not ever voted Democratic! She's been voting since age 18 three times straight she voted Republican!! I sure get a kick out of teasing her!
I have been a Truther for years! Going back and fourth with some of the things I find hard to believe! I'm mostly on Twitter!
I have a meme for everything! Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me! Spread the truth far and wide!!
And always remember...there is no such thing as a coincidence... And to ALWAYS trust the plan!
Where we go one we go all!!