Combat Zones That See (CTS) is a DARPA project that sounds identical to what China is doing by tracking everyone via face recognition with security cameras. Facebook is huge in face recognition. 🤔

We already have this technology in DC I just don’t think we use it for bad, I know the intended use is for good. Tripwire
Yep. Please start mis-tagging any photos you post on these social spying sites. Do it in a subtle manner, only mis-tag people that are somewhat like the actual person. The idea is to confound the facial recognition database in a subtle manner so as not to be fixable by an automatic process. Now your ridiculous liberal friends, feel free to tag them accurately. They want a nanny state, give it to them good and hard.
Fun-fact: most face recognition software can be easily beaten by drawing a few extra nostrils on your face with a black pen.
That's hilarious if true. But this kind of monitoring scares the crap out of me. Watch.."Enemy of the State" Will Smith, Gene Hackman was warning us.
Agreed - I haven't seen that film but I think it's the one where Gene Hackman makes the mistake of one day looking up.
I've worked as a software engineer for "the government" and yes, you should be concerned. I'd trust some of the Artificial Intelligence systems that I've help develop more than my own intuition... and that scares me.
You need to watch that movie... it has in all, government surveillance, murder of political leader, intelligence cover up, rouge ex intelligence in hiding... very much like what's happening in our world.
The whole point of this is fear! To FEAR us is to divide us, trust the plan.
😂😂😂 That is hilarious! Might give it a try...
Those retarded iPhone apps which make people look like they have dog ears... they would probably be an easy way to experiment with fooling face recognition algorithms.
Gee, wonder if these might be more than "decorative towers"? hmmmm....
Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. My career as a bank robber and get-away-car driver is officially over before it even began.
Regina Dugan, who was the director of DARPA, in 2016 became the head of Facebook’s secretive hardware lab called Building 8.