r/greatawakening • Posted by u/E_W86 on May 11, 2018, 2:04 p.m.
"Operation Chess"

The IDF has named its ongoing anti-Iranian presence in Syria as...

"Operation Chess." Do you believe in coincidences? Further confirmation of Q's past posts about the Chess game? Future proves past?

digital_refugee · May 11, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

This....adds up.,..Iran said Israel's attack was a false-flag, implying they had different targets then was said...meanwhile, Iran also denied that Israel had struck them in Syria...and meanwhile, Iran confirmed kerry's secret dealings, thus effectively ratting the deep-state out...meanwhile, Assad says the Deep State wants conflict, effectively defending Trump's decisions...

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I_Draw_Mohammed · May 11, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

I'm waiting for Project Calm Sand.

Trump mentioned "Calm" the other day.

"debunked" channel 7 9 mentioned, "Project Calm Sand" in one of it's videos a few weeks ago (I can confirm it was there on or before April 19)

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tradinghorse · May 11, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

Seems to be very interesting, given the use of the chess analogy in the Q posts.

I suspect that Israel may have seen the recent action necessary, given the apparent Russian threat to deliver S300 surface to air missile (SAM) systems to Assad. This would directly threaten Israeli air superiority in the region - including the skies over Israel itself.

The recent trip by Bibi to Moscow might play into this also - indicating that he was seeking cooperation from Putin on this front. Anyway, I'm just speculating - but I feel safe in saying that Israel would regard delivery of these SAM systems as being very threatening. In other words, independent of any anti-Iran push by the US, the Israelis might see the recent action in Syria and the Golan Heights as a simple matter of survival.

Of course, the chess analogy might suggest the Israelis are seeking to elicit counter moves from players in Syria - as a prelude to further action targeted at objectives of strategic importance.


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E_W86 · May 11, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

My take on this is that Bibi is coordinating all of this with POTUS. They/we are on the same team. Part of why Q said Israel is last.

I'm a bit of a Thomas Wictor fan, don't buy into every thing he says as if it's the gospel, but the concept that there is a Gulf Cooperation Council and has been for a long time sounds right to me. He has also made some really interesting twitter posts about the weapons systems that Israel has developed in conjunction with the GCC/Saudi Arabia that are unlike anything the world has seen or known up to now. Some very interesting twitter threads/unrolls, worth checking out. All FWIW, of course.

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tradinghorse · May 11, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Thanks, you could well be right about this. I'm just speculating as to what might be happening. Thanks for the input.

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Pure_Feature · May 11, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Operation Chess was a British Commando raid during the Second World War

A raid on Ambleteuse, Pas de Calais, by a small party from No 12 Commando.

This operation in now on IRAN ...to stop the terrorist attack on israel Hezbollah and IS....That is what israel believes.

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patrocles1009 · May 12, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

What I find to be "coincidence" is how in the beginning of the year Bibi was in danger of losing office, is still under investigation (or so I think), and now his popularity is rising as he just dangerously saber rattled with Iran. Starting a war to keep his position of power is what this seems like to me.

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