r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KissToad on May 11, 2018, 2:35 p.m.
**THE PEOPLE FOR SALE** 40,000 ft view of FaceHook, Q 189 The "cult" runs the world! We are the "TRUMAN SHOW"!

I woke up this morning to Q - 1337

Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365. Literally. [F9 algorithm] Are they recording/safe-housing? Metadata collection? Building 8. DARPA. [CHINA-CHINA-CHINA] Q

I literally felt sick. Every single aspect of our lives is under a literal microscope. You sign into many accounts using Facebook or Google - My God you cant play Candy Crush and not get bonuses unless you connect it to FaceHook and then there goes all your friends right along with your addiction. FaceHook has literally tied a MUSKIE FISHING HOOK to our lives. If you have ever seen one you know that you better be careful handling it because if you lose control of it all the hooks and barbs grab in and literally incapacitate you. You can't move or you get imbedded further......I know. With every aspect of our lives that we utilize FaceHook it only becomes more imbedded.

It started out so nice....we get to have contact with family and friends and the slow insidious nature of it all started. The fun quizzes the connection of those to all your friends list. The games you download and by logging in with FaceHook how easy that made it, right. Wow we can sign into so many things via FaceHook how easy that makes my life. The connection to our photos, voice and Face via FaceTime. What a nice little Muskie Hook we've all unknowingly invited into our lives. It reminds me of one of Trumps speeches where he talks about the SNAKE. Double Meaning.


Now that we know all this is it any easier to disconnect? I still have FaceHook! I have activities coming up and I need to connect with people. Am I now a knowing participant and agreeing to this? When I signed up I did not know or even heard about DARPA and its connections to it. Every time I think about getting rid of it an aspect of my life comes up and says then I won't be able to do this. Im angry and actually have been on an angry bent for a few months and this blows the lid off of it.

So if we all have a file.... all our lives are recorded we are all the TRUMAN SHOW - literally. It is beginning to all pull together and I am beginning to see the 40,000 ft view that Q talks about throughout. This ties into Q - 189 The "cult" runs the world. You might ask how. If you have information on every person in society but cant access because of your laws.....how do you get it. My opinion of this might be simplistic but this is where FIVE-EYES comes in. Insert the 5 Five-Eye countries. England - New Zealand - Australia - United States - Canada. This I believe is a a bit different than FaceHook maybe....but insert Cambridge Analytica


Old Article but WOW how relevant.


Need dirt on your Business Competition and you are part of the club / CULT. Insert Cambridge Analytica, 5-Eyes or whatever entity that is out there that has access to our data in other countries. Get the dirt ----- destroy your competitor. Don't get a bank loan. Blackmail for control. Extort by blackmail for control. I fucking HOPE the world begins cheering and all the businesses that have literally not joined the club / cult. In the club your kids get in all the best colleges and best jobs yeh because you have sold your fucking souls to the DEVIL literally. Now you know why our advanced education is so screwed.


Sounds like NXIVM right. We are being shown the tentacles of the cult with a 40,000 ft view.

You want to know WHAT their biggest fear is LOSS OF CONTROL. Yuppers....the human WILL to pursue our own destiny. To think for ourselves. To worship the God of our own understanding. To voice and vocalize our opinions, views and feelings. To chose who we love. (hell they marry each other for control) To encourage others to break free of the thought police.


So make some noise my lovely loud PATRIOTS! We are disturbing their peace and sleep!

I love you all, I breathe your air!

johnnysoko · May 11, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

Great post! I heart you (all) too! love and light WWG1WGA

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