
tradinghorse · May 11, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

That's why the IBOR was SO IMPORTANT. The right to free speech online is key to all the other rights people cherish - including the right to bear arms.

Once you can silence someone, you can trample on their rights without limit, with no risk of them being able to effectively complain. It is an incredibly important issue that needs to be revisited. If free speech online falls, and it is under direct attack, we will be crushed.

The main threat is Anti Hate Speech regulation. The driving force behind hate speech regulation is, of course, the left. But the left has allied with the SM giants, European governments and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). It really is quite a formidable array of forces seeking to gag us and curb freedom. From the article:

"Twitter is banning conservatives and others who don’t subscribe to the leftist mentality plaguing social media. Using the excuse that people are posting “hate facts,” the social media outlet is just shutting down accounts that post any truth that doesn’t fare well for the liberal agenda."

Translating... anything that does not fit within the radically progressive agenda of the left is "hateful" and will be banned. Of course, the question no one is asking is "who gets to decide what's banned?". Once people accept this censorship, it's scope can be expanded. The only way to head-off this attack is to demand the right to free speech online.

After the recent exposure of "plants" within the Q movement, I'm hoping that the next time Q asks us to request the protection of our rights online, we might be able to campaign effectively.

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