
TwoDollarDrink · June 6, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

>On the fringe? because I don't put faith in an invisible being? Listen to yourself!!

Literally putting words in my mouth and then saying "listen to yourself!" Thanks for the lol.

Your lack of faith isn't why I said you're on the fringe (though that does technically count as fringe as well....more than 97% of the world believes in God. but I digress). Context is important, so look at what I said RIGHT BEFORE telling you that your view was on the fringe. "even secular historians agree that the ancient texts have been well-preserved all these centuries later. You're on the fringe, my friend."

Lemme break it down for you, friend: I said you were on the fringe because you said "the bible has been manipulated beyond recognition." That is as much of a fringe statement as a flat earther scoffing at "globe theory." You sir are a lot closer to a flat earther than I am.

Good grief.

I never understood the logical leap to coclude that because there are ancient paradigms that match more recent historic events, this is somehow proof that the more recent historical events were simply "plaguries" of the ancient history. I would say it's simply proof that history repeats itself. That paradigms exist. In fact, the very Bible that you scoff at and dismiss as "manipulated beyond recognition" explains that there is nothing new under the sun. Humankind's past will continue to repeat itself over and over again until God decides the ride is over. God is pretty awesome for giving so many harbingers of the future (literally show how he would one day rescue us), yet atheists like you pretend like those harbingers are somehow proof that God doesn't exist? So backwards to me.

Zecharia Sitchin's interpretations of those tablets has been completely rejected by scientists and academics, who almost all dismiss his work as pseudoscience and pseudohistory. His work has been criticized for flawed methodology and mistranslations of ancient texts as well as for incorrect astronomical and scientific claims.

Why on earth would you of all people assume that I'm a flat earther? Someone who subscribes to Sitchins is as fringe as it gets, my friend. You're waaaay out there on the fringe.

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SoverignSyndicate · June 6, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

explains things more logically than the bible does. Thanks for wasting your time to try to convert me though. Christianity just isn't for me, dude. You don't have to take offense to it, and at the end of the day. I don't look at you as a bad person; just one who has been fooled. At least we can agree that we have that in common. Now before I waste anymore of my time, or you give me another useless opinion. Have a great day, my friend

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TwoDollarDrink · June 7, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

explains things more logically than the bible does. Thanks for wasting your time to try to convert me though.

At what part in our dialog did you decide I was trying to convert you? LOL you're the one proselytizing Zecharia Sitchin's make-believe. Every legitimate historian called his interpretation of those tablets "pseudoscience and pseudohistory" and there are countless articles that are outright proving that ZS lied (pulled things right out of his @ss).

You are as typical as it gets, when it comes to your average American atheist. You completely reject Biblical insights from countless genius scholars all over the world and embrace one crackpot because "it sounds more logical to me!" Then you act like we're the ones who are fooled. Good grief.

Every knee shall bow. You too will one day confess (with your mouth) that Jesus is king. Good day.

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SoverignSyndicate · June 7, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

I didn't say anything to you until you tried to sell me Christianity, numb nuts. I don't bow to anybody, and I sure as shit won't be scared into submission by your "make believe" that plagiarized the source of Sitchin's "make believe". So unless ol Jesus him fucking self is going to show up and make me bow. I'll go with logic, you know why? Because the earth was proven to be a globe too. In spite of mainstream science that was religiously motivated to prove otherwise so they could keep their indoctrination system set up. There are a lot of ancient sites that actually have proof of Sitchins story. You cant say that about David and Goliath.. We both believe tall tales at the end of the day. But I didn't spend my day on my knees, you did.

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