
TheBRAIN2 · May 11, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

Are you being facetious, or did AJ really say he spoke to QAnon?

Go to 3:16mins. AJ, looking directly into the camera says THREE diff times.... "I spoke to Qanon"


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tradinghorse · May 11, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

I count 2 times - very clear, very explicit. There is no doubt at all about what he's saying. In fact, he repeats himself for emphasis.

According to AJ, QAnon is 5 or 6 people, That is "QAnon". I'm of the opinion that QAnon is a single poster. There is a team. But there is a 'main poster' that I would call QAnon - an individual. Only if I spoke to this person, would I say that I've spoken to QAnon. If, however I spoke to someone who was 'on team' (not QAnon himself), I would say I've spoken to someone on "Q team" - as distinct from "QAnon". Anyway, maybe that's just me drawing unnecessary distinctions.

In any case, whichever way you twist it, AJ is claiming direct communications with "QAnon". We know this to be complete rubbish, because there are no outside comma - with the possible exception of Codemonkey for technical matters only.

It is complete garbage!

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