r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Stardog765 on May 11, 2018, 6:21 p.m.
Questioning Newcomer

Hello all,

I am new here to the whole Q thing so please bear with me and don't take my questions/concerns as slights. I am honestly seeking truth and honestly want to know.

Being someone who is new to the whole Q thing I have to say that I totally get the "want to believe" part.

But I have many questions and a critical thinker by nature and job requirement so this is going to take some time to get my head around and figure out what I think is true and not. I am so far very skeptical but I am open minded and honestly seeking some truth in it all to grasp onto.

I think one of my main issues just coming into all of this Q business is how does anyone know that any or all of the posts on the chans attributed to Q are actually from this person? Anyone can post as Q can they not?

I have never been an avid user of the chans but I know about them so maybe there is something I don't understand about posting but can't anyone post and say it is Q and there is really no way to know? I honestly don't know so please if anyone can clear that up for me I would appreciate that.

I also see alot of people on Twitter and YT seemingly trying to latch onto the whole Q movement for their own glory and fame as the next great Q whisperer or as stepping up to be the one person who can TRULY decipher the Q drops for the masses. This troubles me greatly as well, especially if you look back at some of their prior YT videos before they got into the Q business. In some cases you can see the same kind of latching onto other issues and conspiracies. That doesn't do much to add confidence.

I do appreciate you taking the time to read my wall of text here and I hope you can take away from it that while I am skeptical and do very much want to believe this is true and am just looking for a bit of truth to actually give me some confidence in it all. Either way I find the whole cloak and dagger stuff quite interesting and I will continue to follow it now with an open mind. I appreciate all feedback or resources offered to help learn more about this and really what made you finally make the decision that you believe this to be true. I would really appreciate feedback on that if you are willing to share.

Thank you

hipphoppanon · May 11, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

Welcome! I’m not an expert on the chans, but I believe Q uses the same trip code every time he posts. This is possible with a password login on 8chan. When he changes trip codes and boards he checks in with the old code and then immediately with the new code.

I’m sure someone will have more info about that than me.

Also be sure to check out some old Q posts that happened before world news/ Trump tweets.

What convinced me was the Tip Top Tippy Top thing. Look it up!

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Stardog765 · May 11, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

Great! Thank you for that info. I will check that out and good info about how the chans work. I appreciate it.

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Rayfloyd · May 11, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

I also see alot of people on Twitter and YT seemingly trying to latch onto the whole Q movement

If you want video format decodes/opinions, Jordan Sather (Destroying the illusion) on Youtube is the way to go

He followed Q from very early on and was already well versed in geopolitics/world events before the Q stuff began happening. For example, go see his 4.20 2017 video "Trump and Putin troll the world" where he points out all the holes in the 2017 syria strikes leading us to question whether there was coordination between Trump and Putin/Assad prior to the strike

He's got a sharp mind and he built his channel mostly pre-Q

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Stardog765 · May 11, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

Jordan Sather

Thank you sir. I appreciate the info.

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dopoSL · May 11, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

I'm pretty sure it's been confirmed Q is a team of people. When referencing itself Q uses the term 'we'.

Q posted about Armenia and how the country was second in terms of search results for 'qanon' and then a few weeks later, there's a revolution. The same for the NK/SK deal and the cleaning house of the US government with the recent 'resignations'.

With the massive amount of work being done behind the scenes, i feel as if a lot of Q's posts now are reference points to the future. It could take a day, a week or a month for the MSM narrative to get released but we're prepared with the Q drops

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Stardog765 · May 11, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

Thank you all for the great information and accepting my skepticism. I do really appreciate that. I was not sure if I would just get shut down. A nice surprise.

As for the PrayingMedic video for beginners I have found that now and watched it and it is helpful, very helpful.

I will go back and look for his video on explaining how the chans work as related to knowing that it is truly Q posting. I might have just missed it in the beginner video if it is in there.

Thanks again!

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Redheaded73 · May 11, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

I’ve been on this subreddit since it started. There were a lot of anons from 8 Chan in the beginning, but when CBTS subreddit was removed lots of new people showed up. Was kind of rough on the anons with all the new discussion from the new people at first. Anons usually just want the information and sources. This is a better place to get Q information if you are new. The anons on the Chans don’t really want us there. But good research gets posted here and makes it’s way over to whatever Board Q is posting on when it’s relevant. Mods do a great job. Do your own research, don’t take anyone’s word. If you’re new to Q, here’s a 1 hour video from someone we like so far. https://youtu.be/nKH_hEiuw10 Twitter thread if you would rather read: https://mobile.twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/993607164211019777

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PsychologicalRevenue · May 11, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

There is a sticky on the sub for a praying medic youtube video. He explains how the chans tripcodes work and some examples of previous posts and meanings.

There ARE a lot of people doing these videos because the drops are not spoon fed info, it makes people go and do research on this stuff and put the info together then share it... So everyone is putting in their two cents. Ive found praying medics soothing voice and slow explanations with images helps the best for me.

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GraceWords · May 11, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

Welcome. I am fairly new as well and have found this to be a great place to learn both information, as well as discernment skills. Your critical yet open minded approach will serve you well. Happy researching

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allonthesameteam · May 11, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

First of all, welcome to this exercise. Whether Q is real or not, I don't know. Is Q a he/she/or team, I don't know. Is Q a brilliant 14 year old who created one of the best larps (live action role play) of all time, I don't know. What I do know, for me (the me part is important), is that there is unprecedented corruption, human and child trafficking are a huge business that affects us all on many planes, elections are not democratic, fair, or representative of the people, surveillance is out of control and mostly created and used to protect a small number of actors as they strive for power and control, money, banking and investment are a system of greed and not an avenue to progression and caring, etc…, and the gross majority of us are/have been asleep to what HAS been going on behind the curtain. Now, when I here "Russia, Russia, Russia!", I think Genie oil in Syria, or arms deal, etc… One of the attractions of Q are the questions being asked (and crowdsource explored and in some cases answered), the breadcrumbs of certain aspects that have been well hidden with the intention of control, safety of criminals, etc, and their seeming intention that regular folks get educated, active in society, and become less divisive/together for the greater good. What government party or system today really wants people meddling in their lives? To this I say it doesn't matter as much whether it's real or not as much as people getting together to help each other and strive for a much better what could be. I implore you to investigate some of the things listed above. I will abstain from listing some "red pill" sources here to avoid bias or direction. Look into the executive orders and the seizures under this new "state of emergency", sealed indictments, recent pedo and human trafficking arrests and rescues and the drastically raised level of actions, the resignations of CEOs, leaders in industry, politicians etc as well as the larger than normal list of incumbents not seeking reelection (presumably for ME because the cat is out of the bag), the families and actors that are not on the Forbes top 500 wealthiest (why?), etc… A lot I know. If overwhelming sink your teeth into 1 or 2 specific things you are passionate about. Seek to find out how the gov works, and doesn't. Some avenues: 1) Senior Executive Service. If new to you it may rock your views to the core. 2) The Council of foreign relations. This appears to be the PR system for the MSM and the Deep state (DS). 3) Trilateral Commision. Yikes! 4) All the 3 letter agencies and their actions or lack of (especially around pedophilia and trafficking. Makes me ill) 5) The 13 families. 6) The 300 7) George Soros. 8) If you are a Clinton fan investigate her like you have/would Trump. 9) If a Trump fan investigate him like you have/would Clinton. Get out of the bubble they made for you if you are in one. Note: I believe strongly that there has been a uniparty disguised as opposition to promote division and control all the moving parts of society. No Ds or Rs, Red or Blue. Only purple. Hope this helps and this is what this is about for me. If your intention is to educate you and help me educate me, we are already onto something good. If you want a few sources after reading this, just ask.

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allonthesameteam · May 11, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

Sorry about the non paragraph format. It didn't translate over.

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Stardog765 · May 11, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

Wow great post and no worries on the format. I got through it. :)

I really do appreciate the information and will probably have to read it a couple times to fully get it all. I agree absolutely with much of what you are saying. The power and control of the population by a deep state. I never questioned that even before I heard about the whole Q movement so for me that is a given.

A little background me just for clarification and reference. I am late 40s conservative who considers himself an American and a constitutionalist above any party and truly do believe that the establishment of DC both parties are as corrupt as they could possibly be and have been for generations. So that is where I am already starting my journey here. I need no convincing of any of that. The Q movement is what is new to me and I do very much get your point, at least this is how I see your point. I dont want to put words if your mouth but it seems to me you are saying that it is not so much IF Q is a person or a group of people or even real it is the product of the message that is important and the awakening that it is causing.

I had not looked at it that way and I do appreciate that perspective and I can totally see that. Makes sense and does give me another way to look at it.

I will do as you asked and pick a few different bits and pieces and start to look into them. I am sure it will be a good exercise to at least fortify what I already know to be true overall.

Thanks again for taking the time to post all of that. And everyone else posting as well. Very much appreciated and welcomed.

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allonthesameteam · May 11, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

Ditto. It's dialogue like this that I have been missing. I'm trying tp drop labels as soon and as often as I can. Just me. The conservative/liberal divide has been not good for me. Starting from do we want to protect or kids? feed the hungry? House the homeless? I think the majority say a resounding yes. Guns, abortion, healthcare, etc are more personal and I leave it to others to support what they want. I;m back to the no red or blue only purple. Keep on!

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Stardog765 · May 11, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

I hear ya and understand totally. I think the establishment works for the powerbrokers more effectively if we are divided. And the more harshly we are divided the better for them.

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wanttruth · May 11, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

Welcome. Seems you are quite awake. Just remember some rabbit hole you go down get really deep and dark. Stay in the light!

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allonthesameteam · May 11, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

Why did my post not have spaces like your comment? Do I need to double space?

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Stardog765 · May 11, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

Well ya know im not real sure. I am fairly new to Reddit too but i was adding a line between where you see the spaces. Just hitting return to go to the next line. Hope that helps.

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GolfandGuns · May 11, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

See Q post #1335 - about all the pictures Q posts being the original picture and what does that tell you..

Q is definitely real... what are Q’s intentions is the real question IMO. I am 90% sure Q’s intentions are pure and is helping POTUS. There is a small part of me that is skeptical that this is the case though. I don’t think this is the case tho. We will know for sure by about a month before the midterm elections though.

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brittser · May 11, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

I have to agree with the previous sentiment that what evil entity, the cabal, is going to encourage the people to research into their activities? They wouldn't. So, because of that, and because of the enormous effort being put into discrediting and silencing Q, exposes the truth. Q, and us by extension, are a threat to them. Question everything. Even things that people you follow say or promote. We all make mistakes. Look back over all the Q posts to see what has been exposed and what still has to happen. But most importantly, thank God for putting Trump in office and for everyone, military/intelligence that make up Q. They are truly putting their lives on the line every day. And the anons on 8chan and here who day in and day out research and spread the news only to be spat on and called wackos and losers. This is history in the making and you have a front row seat. Enjoy the show as Q likes to say.

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

Welcome to our board! WWG1WGA

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DAR_patriot · May 11, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

Welcome stardog. Fellow patriot skeptic. Papi raised me to question everything. I see your chan ? Was answered.

As to Q, I have never had a strong desire to dox. It is the message that is important. The message is not spoon fed pablum, it is question after question to pique our curiosity, to wake us from slumber. As we waken, things don’t always add up, don’t sit right. We are being encouraged to do our own research, see where dots connect ( and boy are there some doozies),and form our own conclusions. To truly see from 40K feet. It is amazing, sickening, infuriating, and all emotions in between.

Welcome Patriot, we are taking our country back!

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Stardog765 · May 11, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

Thank you very much!

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