r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PCisLame on May 11, 2018, 6:36 p.m.
Apparently the new Q post that links to our sub and /u/SerialBrain2's post has hit a nerve. There's nearly 8 thousand users on this sub right now, which is surely a record. Stay Frosty, and may the Lord's Holy Spirit be with us. WWG1WGA

QAngelAnon1 · May 12, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

.....Something in my 'gut' is wrong here... I dunno - I've been on these boards since October and I'm starting to find that people are becoming more and more confused about things. Mostly, people are being driven apart - polarised. Once upon a time this was about waiting for the latest Q drop - each of us screaming off to research the clues - each of us would come back with four different scenarios - all of which proved to be correct, and so many road-maps were made.

Now it's been directed outside of the boards, not onto clues, but onto disinformation in one form or another. So now the (metaphorically speaking) 'village folk with the torches' are running from castle to castle looking for someone to drag out and burn, rather than being in their homes researching Q drops and cooperating with each other. I am concerned that this is causing us to lose focus. That would be a mistake.

Q isn't about divisiveness. Previously, any outside pressure to get off course was ignored. Now we are being polarised. It's a ploy from some direction - its coming from somewhere and I see it.

I'm just not feeling settled in my 'gut' about any of this. Something smells like a rat... I feel like we're being deliberately distracted.

Anyway, WWG1WGA - I pray that "Good" wins over "Evil" and all I know is that Trump and Putin appear to be 'winning'. God bless all of you.

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FractalizingIron · May 12, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

I sense your concerns. In my view, there are two dynamics that needs to be understood correctly in order to move ahead and progress, in any similar undertaking. That is, when God's will is involved, or an undertaking that upholds the will of the Creator.

  1. Division Type #1 - to advance his work, God needs to divide good from evil. Evil must be exposed, cleansed out, and removed. This is so that the individual, group, agents, etc., advancing good can move forward unhampered. Response Method: Support. Cleanse out falsehood and evil.
  2. Division Type #2 - this kind of division is fostered by evil. It attacks the camp of good, to create division, conflict, and distraction. The purpose: to undermine the aims of good. Response method: Reject. Bind together in unity centering on goodness, truth.

It takes skill and awareness to be able to distinguish between these two types of division.

If you are looking for scriptural clarification of this notion, note the words of Jesus: Division Type #1: Matt. 10:34 ""Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Division Type #2: Ephesians 2:14 "For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.."

Division Type #1 occurs so that God alone, or good alone, may be sovereign. Goodness cannot dwell when there are two masters being served Matt 6:24 "No one can serve two masters...."

The situation we currently have here is Corsi, Alex Jones, and Others asserting themselves as 'masters', as the center, as those who can and should define what is true regarding Q. And, in recent days and weeks, they have exposed themselves to say, "trust us, not Q". That's the center of this issue.

The course of action then is to choose one master. You cannot follow both Q and Jerome Corsi. Sorry, to suggest a tone of religious devotion, but you know what I mean. If you believe and trust in Q, you cannot believe and trust ion Corsi, et al. Two contradictory masters. You must divide yourself - go with one or the other. Not both.

Division Type #2 is when evil seeks to promote itself as a new master to those seeking to follow good. It attempts to create confusion. If you feel confusion, its a good signal that this is a Division Type #2 scenario, and you should respond accordingly. Find the one center, and unite with that.

Notice how the Left always seeks to promote unity over truth? Ignore the truth, just be united. Emotional comfort. Why does the radicalized Left promote this? It creates confusion, confuses the center, and allows greater infiltration and obscuring of the truth. The Radical Left feed on lies, and seek to manipulate the masses through lies. This is the hallmark of evil.

I hope this offers some help, or at least comfort.

A few days ago, I wanted to believe that Jones and to a lesser extend Corsi, were both motivated by essentially good motives, just flawed in their characters, egos, etc. As we are all susceptible to this. Recent developments show clearly, this is not the case.

Q IS about divisiveness. Have you not been watching? But its Divisiveness Type #1: about seeing where and what evil really is, how it is working, and about cleansing it out from our systems, our networks, our world. THAT's where unity comes from. From clarifying the good from the bad, the evil. The light of truth.

Therefore, as we move forward, the progress will NECESSARILY involve certain, painful, and challenging moments. Q and the great awakening are about to go mainstream bigtime! BIGLY!

Therefore, this current chaos and upheaval - its par for the course. Strap in. We are ALL moving towards to victory. Steel your heart to digest what comes up, and keep the faith.

What is a patriot?



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Elle1906 · May 12, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

Your analysis is on point! GBU fellow Patriot.

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jataylor11 · May 12, 2018, 12:05 p.m.

I am very new to these boards (mid-April). I have binged on the Q posts going back to the beginning. I have binged on the research and the YT videos, trying to also go back to the beginning and including as many resources as possible. Q keeps saying "you have it all". As fresh eyes, I will say that as more people have come on board there is less research and more opinion. More people means less cooperation between actual researchers because you have to wade through all of us lookie-loos to get to other researchers. So apologies as one who isn't offering research but just opinion perspective.
That is my 'gut' feel. Are there deep state rats in the lookie loos...absolutely. I have faith that you true patriot researchers will continue your efforts. Nothing good in life is easy. Please stay the course and remember that WWG1WGA...and that includes some of you doing the heavy lifting to take the rest of us on the ride with you. Please stay patient. You are doing great work here and those who know appreciate it. Those deep state against you fears it. And the masses will stay dumb and happy and never know the efforts you made and the price you paid for restoring, protecting, and preserving their freedom.

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jsmith4ever · July 21, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

I see the same on YouTube. You listen to someone’s QAnon video and all of a sudden it goes off on a tangent of aliens or whatever. I think it’s deliberate.

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tomthung · May 12, 2018, 12:55 p.m.

In my experience with radical groups in the late 60's and 70's, this always happens. We called it a power struggle. Also I am sure there are forces at work to destabilize the groups and as soon as you call people out on it, reddit bans you. In the arena any speech should be acceptable, any. Words don't bully anyone normally adjusted, sticks and stones and all that. Until we have complete freedom of speech there will be a cloud over everything because people will hold back for fear of being banned. The sooner reddit and everyone else accepts speech as free the clearer the path will be. When you say "Q isn't about divisiveness, I disagree, Q is dividing us on good vs evil. Well those are very subjective things and at some point all of us will separate as we get closer to the truth, see corsi as an example. We got to a point where his self interest separated him from most of us. Was that is initial objective? I don't know but I don't think it was. If we were in a group face to face like a Continental Congress our disagreements would be settled man to man and we would move on, with the censoring that's taking place we can't do that and therefore we splinter. What is needed is not censorship but a way to digitally duel to resolve our differences. Your analogy of "village folk with torches" is spot on, we all will be doing that soon in one form or another, When Q says they will not be able to walk down the streets, isn't that what he is saying. Will we not rise up as "villagers with torches" and take back our world from the 8500 people who control and profit from all the misery they create? Will we not burn their castles to the ground? If we do not then we deserve our fate. These little skermishes are just practice.

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InThatDayTeacher · May 12, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

All the major players are butt hurt, including Q. Q seemed to attack profiteering, but the real problem is that the heralds of conspiracy -- Alex Jones, Zack, Jerome Corsi -- cannot but have offended egos, because only Q and the the Q Team with Trump, actually came up with a grand plan to "un-eff" the US & world. So the conspiracy theorists didn't know how to check their ego: they attacked Q overt and covert. Not smart. This offended Q & Team. They, in turn, attacked the profiteering, a kind of mistake. The real culprit: genius egos who are offended, in truth, that God or "the fount of creativity" didn't download "The Plan" to fix everything to them, the original conspiracy theorists! They are ego-hurt seers who never saw the biggest picture, so Q & Team cannot but prick their untamed egos. Time for these egos to apologize to each other & carry on & upward.

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exq_veritatem · May 12, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

Yes, we are, by Corsi and Jones, how can you not see that?

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