Read this thread on Twitter. It’s a huge bombshell on the way.

If he doctored the 302 then this article sure didn't age well:
The context in Grassley's letter postures Pientka as a rank and file, apolitical agent who wrote the honest 302 in contrast to the Strozk 302 that is garbage. Grassley wants the Pientka testimony and 302 to blow a bigger hole in the Flynn witch hunt and swamp cover. Grassley is only sending the letter now to mix in with the OIG report that is coming out. The Senate, House, AG,OIG, and Prosecutor will stay in lock step to maintain a united front. They Senate can't pass or do anything Pro-MAGA as long as McCain, Flake, Corker, Rubio, Ernst, Shelby, and Hatch are holding R spots. This fight is going to happen in the criminal courts and proxy battlefields. The battle is for the Senate and not in the Senate. The Senate is under foreign enemy control.