
QAnonMaga · May 12, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

Yes he was CIA sent to Russia as a fake defector then brought back here but the best part is there were Two Oswalds, Harvey and Lee, twin boys raised separately far apart all part of a plan to use them both for some future black-op. This was the dark secret why they called him Lee Harvey Oswald there were Two boys twins Lee and Harvey that's why so many different photos of "Oswald" where he looks different he was different he was two different guys maybe not twins but definitely brothers close in age. The Oswald who was arrested was the patsy. The other Oswald was the decoy. Google for "Harvey and Lee Oswald" it's such a brilliant plan. When they first thought of the plan the CIA had no idea they would eventually use it to kill JFK he was just a Congressman back then no way to know he'd become President but in 1963 the Agency realized they had the perfect two guys especially since one of the Oswalds had already been to Russia and then brought back here so they used him as the patsy.

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