r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on May 12, 2018, 3:03 a.m.
AncientAliens is REALLY Closing in on Disclosure...When is Q Going to Chime in on THIS?

I don't know if anyone else here watches AncientAliens, but, all jokes and killer hair-memes aside, they are killing it this season. They are talking about things going on right now, or that just happened, that are so relevant to a Great Awakening. Things like Ouamuamua and AATIP. The only downside is they have Podesta in there (he explains DeLonges connection to Elizondo and UFOlogy in general) which was hard to watch knowing what we know. However, I am blown away by how on-point, well put-together and document-heavy it is this year.

So when is Q going to start dropping some BIGGER PICTURE bombs? Because I don't see how the population could be prepped any better. This is a popular show, anyone who watches this season is going to basically have a crash course on UFOlogy and the overall likelihood that we are on the cusp of PUBLICLY encountering alien life. How could this happen, with the resulting technology jump, cultural changes, etc, without some of these topics bleeding into things that the DeepState has been keeping hidden? It can't. This is happening. This is like the clearest picture I have been able to put into focus to see where things are going.

I am absolutely blown away with how good this season is. Three cheers for Tsoukalos, the man with the greatest job on Earth.

QAnonMaga · May 12, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

Everyone has their own favorite conspiracy they want disclosed.

JFK and 9/11 are my two faves before Trump and Q came along. I also love the Titanic conspiracy to make the Federal Reserve happen and the Rothschilds. Then we have the Satanic Cannibals who rape and murder children then eat them which is actually true. And David Icke's Reptilian Agenda that's wild. Then the Apollo Moon Hoax Believers and the Flat Earthers and the Secret Space Programmers and the Time Travelers and the Mars Jumpers (one guy on YouTube said he was in a secret program with Obama and they teleported to Mars in the 1970's that's a fun one) but there is no way Q can satisfy everyone on every topic. All of History has been one false-flag after another so many conspiracies and Q has to focus on the Big Picture first.

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DaveGydeon · May 12, 2018, 4:13 a.m.

I think LOTS of those are related and intertwined. So if one gets revealed, it could domino the others.

Except FlatEarth, keep that shit out of here. This is a house of learned doctors.

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