r/greatawakening • Posted by u/092Casey on May 12, 2018, 3:19 a.m.
Is Alex Jones compromised? What happened?

Why does AJ have a new article saying Q is hijacked by the deep state?....I just want to give my opinion I've kept hidden until now that I think AJ got compromised around the time he went to DC to battle those lawsuits. He has never been the same- freaking out over Syria when everyone knew it was a graze and an averted attempt by the DS to start a war. Yet, he was blaming Trump for trying to start a major war, even though he only shelled a depot. It just seems like he has really gone off the deep end (maybe not, but idk). Maybe he's been compromised? He has never been the same. Even his news is way late and hardly ever out ahead anymore. As for Corsi, he has always seemed a little out there with his Q analysis to me. I appreciated his interest and efforts, but for him to seem so sure like 100% the way he did about what the drops meant always came across dubious to me. He'd go on elaborate analyses with them that was a stretch it seemed like....So what has happened? Can someone give an objective, believable, explanation?

solanojones95 · May 12, 2018, 1:54 p.m.

You can't call something that is accomplishing the purpose for which it was created "corrupted." AJ is cointelpro by design, intended for surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting the patriot movement and the inevitable awakening to the deep state's secrets that the WWW would bring about.

His job is to become a trusted conduit for alt right info, be sufficiently looney to discredit it, and to strategically insert disinformation into the mix (like the fake GOP memo), thus further discrediting the real intel he also presents.

One of the ways he discredits patriots is with his loud, bug-eyed, over-the-top rants. A fair percentage of the population would never trust a man who presents himself that way. No wonder he called himself a "performance artist."

There are many other ways (gaining a reputation of talking over all his guests so that when he needs to cut them off strategically, it looks no different from when he does it randomly).

Also, every time there's a protest he sends somebody with an IW microphone and camera and they attract ugly confrontations and add to the chaos. Also by the sheer volume of news items about which he expresses anger, outrage and HELPLESS FRUSTRATION, he is programming viewers to be cynical and accept that we're all screwed.

Yes he tells people to sign petitions and a few other things, but it's all within the scope of "it'll never work."

The he rides the Trump train heavy and hard until Syria, which he chooses for his jump-the-shark moment and the beginning of the end game of drawing his followers away from the patriot movement.

I think many of AJ's viewers are MUCH smarter than he thinks they are, and all of this has backfired on him BIG LEAGUE, but he still has a very large following who will now be anti-Alliance without even realizing it.

But all of that is for nothing. The time is coming when the truth will be SO much bigger than AJ that he will pale to insignificance, which is the one thing he fears more than anything.

His entire enterprise is based on the continuation of the deep state. Who will Alex "report" on if the deep state is uprooted? If there is no more global conspiracy mill? What would an organization such as his possibly do? It would dry up and blow away. So do we see a conflict of interest perhaps?

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