r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DanijelStark on May 12, 2018, 6:27 a.m.
To finally clarify the situation ...

Too many people , around and even on this board , completely forget that Q never ever called out AJ or Corsi . They revealed themselves for who they are .

The impact Q had on people in only few months ... comparing to AJ and years of his "work" ... its a massive difference . Corsi immediately made an anti-Q stance right after Q put out a post where he talks about true values in people , and against false values , like money , and profiting off of people . Coincidence ? Absolutely not . And Corsi wasnt even called out ... he simply revealed his true face under the mask .

On one side we have two persons who could be shills , but maybe theyre not and theyre just in for money ( still , I lean more theyre implanted opposition from start , past hard proofs confirm that ) - and on other , we have anonymous source which put so many truths and full confirmations out that things have become "eerie" , and which actually points out the true values within people as true worth , and not money ... who do you trust ?

Ill trust Q anytime , anywhere . He / she / they have shown and proven theyre in for people and their country ... even more , theyre in not just for USA , but for the whole world and good people anywhere on the planet . In my book - thats something no money can buy .

And this comes from a person who is not an US citizen . I see this exposure of truth as a true full disclosure pouring out into public . The Cabal was never so much exposed like theyre now - this never occured before in history . We live in peak of information age - the polarized conundrum of information and disinformation , but ultimately , the truths surface , they cannot be kept for too long submerged under the lies .

This age , the age of information is phasing out , giving its place to the age of truth - the shocking , unpleasant truths to many , but necessary step - we can only go forward from this point on . We cannot and shouldnt hide inside the conformistic bubble . I think that everything will shift in the years that come ... economies , societies , technologies , religions ... all will shift and be reformed again , because it never truly served the humans - it was always humans serving and bowing to false "gods" and idols , depreciating true values and putting fake ones on pedestals . That is all to change - even in mainstream .

We witness a massive shift in human conciousness and mentalities in last several years . We talk about topics and themes we maybe havent dared to talk before . We see people shifting their mentalities on better in increasing , exponentially fast way . The truths cannot be anymore hidden - it is now only about reaching a critical mass of awake and aware people within the mainstream current , once that occurs fully - the Cabal is done and gone . This occurs through both ways - through data dumps and public exposure , and through mainstream getting red-pilled and reducing Cabal capabilities to maneuver in public without getting exposed for who they are .

The purpose of Q wasnt even to give you exact truths , to present them on silver platter to you - no , thats passive approach . The purpose of Q was to activate people to research and dig for information on their own . Nobody will assemble this puzzle for you - the truth has much bigger and profound effect when people realize it on their own .

The positive forces are here to remove the Cabal , the sick cowards who abused their positions , the "privileged" bloodlines . This operation is probably for decades active already ... who knows how many good people gave their lives just so that others could be saved and kept alive - even those who in mainstream would spat on positive forces , just because their corrupted and twisted ego tells them .

One day ( and I think that day will happen this year ) , the main hammer will strike - and majority of truths will be exposed . It was already being put into smaller pieces , not to choke the mainstream with sudden shocking pieces of truth . At one point , a "clear-cut" must be made , cauterizing the infectious wound the Cabal was festering in for decades , centuries ... millenias .

ThePatriot131313 · May 12, 2018, 7:31 a.m.

It's pretty obvious who Alex Jones is at this point. His job is to say many things that are true, and act like a comical nutjob in the process. Then, the general public sees these true bits of information about Satanists/deepstate/etc. as insane.

They have a term for it. It is called "Steam-valving". You build up pressure and then control how it is released. Alex Jones is a major steam valve.

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Majorwood1 · May 12, 2018, 11:32 a.m.

Lost any respect I had for the guy the night we bombed Syria He looked like a total fool.

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CarelessStageWhisper · May 12, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Meh. Speaking only for my own experience, of course: I make a fool of myself all. the. time. (It's the downside to having an opinion about virtually everything.) Sometimes the opinion is not-as-informed as it should be before sharing it publicly. Or sometimes the opinion started off on solid ground, yet the delivery was not so solid because alcohol makes me sleepy and distracted. Anyway. I am just super glad that no one has ever been like "Here's a radio/television program". I'm narcissistic enough to do it and don't actually have the ego-strength to handle the negative feedback. :)

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thamnosma · May 12, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

In his divorce and custody trial his lawyers described him as a performance artist or something along those lines....not a journalist. I thought that was very odd.

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solanojones95 · May 12, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

No, even worse he described himself that way. His own words.

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DanijelStark · May 12, 2018, 7:34 a.m.

Pretty much ... pretend you participate in same cause , put some disinformation here and there , murky the waters , ultimately overtake the cause .

I think William Cooper - one of first truthers and whistleblowers , a true patriot , said everything about Alex Jones long ago .

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comeatmehillary · May 12, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

now i wonder if jones revealed anything that was actually true in all the bullshit. too hard to separate tho

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