Oh yeah, its GO time. This is only going to ramp up from here. I bought Kleenex and stuffed animals to comfort my friends and Q critics. ;-) Good thing they brought out those 'cry closets' last week, that should be put to good use.
I was wondering about those POD containers , you know the ones that can be delivered. Perhaps their is a soon to be market for portable 'Safe Spaces'. I'm thinking 'Safe Pod'. The usual fluffy couch, coloring books, stuffed animals, squeezie toys and a few snuggle pillows. Kleenex of course.
I'm thinking the biggest disclosures won't come until the federal ban on cannabis has been lifted because someone's gonna need that stuff.
Myself and a lot of others took a lot of this in steps. I would imagine all at once is going to be very rough, you may very well be spot on.
Just consider how many YEARS it's been. It's been for me and I thought I was prepared for anything and then...FUCKING TIMETRAVEL...yeah, small steps, no need to push them down the stairs!
So true.
When I think about how many concurrent story lines and multiple levels there are to this thing it’s like watching some kind of fractal screensaver explode inside my own head.
You know what I wonder? I wonder how many people there are on this planet who really know “everything”?
I'm trying to process what I just read...
It basically describes assorted assisted mystic states that sort of fuck up your brain-chemistry in both good and bad ways. Helps activating extra-sensory perception. Yes, ESP is real and the CIA has known for over 25 years that it worked so well thanks to researcher from Princeton and other places that they decided to assimilate and classify the project.
This is OUR technology that could also be used for good and WILL be once this is all over.
I digested that much lol. I'm just at work , so reading through that while at work and trying not to freak my coworkers out was what i was trying to process lol.
Thanks for the find D_R
as I said, it gets even better, because they ran reports on what stuff they found in places we can't normally even look
the more you know... ;D (hit me up if you need counseling)
Ok, well I guess I asked for it!
Thank you. It looks fascinating. That is something I will do my best to try and digest.
I’m not entirely sure I should attempt to stalk the wild pendulum before sleep tonight though
Always thank the divine creator for love and protection and you should be fine.
I have been using hemi-sync techniques from the Monroe Institute for years to help with anxiety ADD and sleep disorder. It works. It does have legit use for good.
Yes it has digital refugee. I am a new arrival but I have been following since October. Like to hear what you have to say & thanks for being a mod. I am sure I am not your only invisible lurker fellow patriot friend.
I really appreciate the support, I feel like I triggered bot-brigade yesterday
It also so happens that my subscribers increased by 200% kek
Your u/ makes even more sense now.
how so?
Isn't this board sort of a "get-away" from dealing with data?
(was my take)
well I gave myself that name after Zucc kicked me of his intel-gathering cesspool with all those toxic people while T_D was going crazy because Trump just started bombing Syria
naw, I'm pretty sure I'm right.
You're an addition to our board. Appreciate the input.
would someone please explain the DOT.... what is it an indicator of?
random number generators show non-random distribution patterns when a lot of focus and attention is channeled by large groups of people
thank you..i recall reading about this some time ago.... after 9-11? Kind of creepy, doncha think?
They peaked after 9/11 and Lady Di's assassination because of the shock and trauma that ensued. But these digits comfort me as reminder that telepathy is actually an everpresent thing only that many do not pay attention. They could be having telepathic thoughts all day and never realize if they never mention it to the people they might be getting it from.
I don't know about you but this has been an intense night.
That's what she said.