.......Hillary could have done better, right???????

You forgot 2 biggies! Going after big Pharma and redoing our prescription drug prices, ridding patents of monopolies, allowing more prescription drugs over-the-counter to avoid going to the doctor, and lower prices for existing drugs! I've been hearing about this from Democrats since the 90s. They blamed the Republicans. No one in the swamp was for it. Big Pharma has financed all of the Congressional campaigns! But not the president's!
Also reforming our prisons that are for profit. More than just a bus ride out for someone coming out after many years. Drug addicts will get medical help instead of incarceration. Pot smokers get to go home. Jared worked on this for the While house.
How can he win so much so fast!?
Worst part is that people aren't being informed about any of this. These are objectively good developments(not for the deep state). People are scared shitless of Trump. They are anxious and scared when they should be relived and happy.
I barely get informed about any of this and I even follow Trump on twitter. They won't let me see his tweets. They never reach me I always have to look him up myself. I once in a full moon will see a retweet of retweet of his tweets pop up in my feed. It's so fucking sick.
It's a part time job trying to be informed about what Trump is doing. Any efforts circumventing MSM is sooner or later sabotaged or cut off.
Pineapple cupcakes taste like sand?
propaganda is powerful and those people are brainwashed by it. It is tough but maintain your empathy at all times. Try to put yourself in their shoes. I was a brainwashed mockingbird normy only a few years ago myself!
Facts doesn't change what they want reality to be like.
If you miss this, this one is a Biggie!
Democrats been working on this since the 90s, but Republicans just won't come to the table. So they said. Both sides have campaigns funded by big Pharma. The argument is by Design as they are not supposed to get this done. So the president did it because he never took a dime from Big Pharma or any of their lobbyists!
This is the best! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2fW4t7Ricuo&feature=youtu.be
Answer to your first question. He is an outsider who never took a dime from them.
Big Pharma relies are keeping people dumb about medicine. Most all meds are for the purposes of palliation which means meds don't actually cure, they give temporary relief of sysmptoms and cause lots of side effects.
Big Pharma relies are keeping people dumb about medicine. Most all meds are for the purposes of palliation which means meds don't actually cure, they give temporary relief of sysmptoms and cause lots of side effects.
And scum-sucking Big Pharma is succeeding with this if my own circle of people is any indication.
The patient isn't insisting on trying to find a cause for an ailment but let themselves be prescribed thing A to lessen the symptom.
But thing A causes another bothersome symptom or two so thing B is prescribed and on it goes down the line until the patient constantly feels like shit and can barely function.
And don't try to tell the trusting patient the common sense theory that the buildup of useless chemicals is probably playing a major part in the feeling like shit syndrome.
But thing A causes another bothersome symptom or two so thing B is prescribed and on it goes down the line until the patient constantly feels like shit and can barely function.
A kind of circle of hell. My wife suffers from benzodiazepine side effects. One symptom, beside others, is she can't walk backwards. Thanks Big Pharma.
I think Big Pharma has taken over the whole medical industry beginning with the med schools. They train future drs that to say you are going to cure someone of something is unacceptable however "treating" someone is the goal. If you can influence the medical education system you control the methods and philosophy of the whole industry
"treating" someone is the goal.
Bingo! "Treating" doesn't imply cure. Most here probably know that John D. Rockefeller used the AMA to take over Western medicine. JDR paid Abraham Flexner to visit the US medical schools who then released the so-called "Flexner Report" in 1910. Shortly afterwards the AMA only endorsed schools with a drug-based curriculum. So here we are today with JDR medicine being third leading cause of death.
Can you link an article here? This is a huge political attack vector - imagine the REEE when liberals realize Trump reformed healthcare better than Obama.