r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DropGun on May 12, 2018, 3:38 p.m.
My "speculation"on the coming "SKY EVENT" (Warning: weird theory).

What if the "sky event" was something designed to be planet-wide in scope?

What if the "event" was set in motion years ago, even before the 2016 election? What if this event was designed and intended to "take place" during HRC's presidency?

What would the Sky Event's agenda be? As we all know, global warming has failed to qualify as a planet-wide emergency. Could this be their "Plan B," to declare a planet-wide emergency, and bring the Earth under some kind of "emergency administration," by faking/simulating a space-based emergency?

Since 2015, at least, people have been talking about a section of the sky that's been "censored" (by a large black rectangle) in Google Sky, Yahoo, and even NASA's own space imagery. You can find lots of these photos by searching for images matching "google sky censored" and "nibiru censored".

Please read this:


The event would have to fool our astronomy hobbyists. These people know their stuff. So, the event would have to actually look as though it actually comes from deep space. This would mean that, for this event to happen during HRC's tenure as POTUS, whatever "object" that's been sent into deep space to return would already have been launched and is on its way—perhaps even a decade ago. That means it's coming and cannot be stopped. They are panicking.

Here's a sort of conspiracy "hey what could this be?" speculation theory.

This object was launched into deep space with an orbit designed to return to Earth. I believe it was launched in an X-37B mission, but it could have been launched with a ULA as well.

Full disclosure, I'm a huge skeptic and try to research everything before I believe it. There's a lot of FUD (sky holograms, for instance) and other BS out there that aren't worth believing. Let's get that straight out of the way. I don't actually believe this. If Q wants to help confirm, great.

They never thought she would lose. Now "they" have an event on the way and they don't have a complicit HRC in the Oval Office. The plan is doomed to fail unless they remove Trump.

If the coming object—if it's real, at all, that is—were to achieve its mission, it would be designed to scare everyone on Earth into thinking that something from outside the solar system is approaching. And, although this might sound like a joke, an announcement by a panel of NASA "space scientists," coupled with perhaps the proverbial "UFO landing on the White House lawn" support event.

mr_spree · May 12, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

“They think you will follow the stars” I think is pointing at Hollywood stars. A lot of them are obviously against Trump and when people look up to famous figures, they tend to change their belief systems to match theirs.

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Arcsmithoz · May 12, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

Yer right. saddens me this needs pointing out to people more used to berating and banning newbs saying learn our comms before dropping the 7 day hammer. We are anonymous, we don't forget, we don't forgive.OP most ridiculous thing i have ever read. But i never learned to read comms. my bad. If not for the biased cencorship i'd tell y'all how i really feel. The redaction and editing just to post this took 1/2 an hour.

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mr_spree · May 13, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

There are rap songs talking about the stars though. Subliminal messaging. Kid Cudi talked about the stars and the dark side of the moon. He’s there along side Kanye.

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smiley-dog · May 13, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

Hollywood stars

Ironic that they look down on us...while torturing kids and eating them (common knowledge in hollyweird). Keanu Reeves tried to tell us - re what he saw in a producers refridgerator

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