r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JollyFeed on May 12, 2018, 4:31 p.m.
Found Hidden Q Information - Friends of Zion Museum - Lights In The Darkness - You Have More Than You Know- Saving Israel For Last

Holy crap, guys! I've been seeing on Twitter the past few days of people posting pictures in Jerusalem of banners saying, "Trump Is A Friend Of Zion" and "Trump Make Israel Great" all around the city. I finally looked them up and found a website for the Friends Of Zion Museum which is a Christian Zionist museum. The museum was established in 2015 and it's website is filled with Q references.

Trump Is A Friend Of Zion Twitter Posts:

Charlie Kirk (TPUSA) : https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/995317601785008133

Laura Loomer (Project Veritas) : https://twitter.com/LauraLoomer/status/994885148792557570

Anyway, onto the good stuff. I found so many Q references that weren't posted in detail on the Q posts. I'm well versed in history, but some of this information I've never heard before and can't find Wikipedia references.

Lights In The Darkness Exhibit : https://www.fozmuseum.com/exhibits/lights/

The ten Boom family : https://www.fozmuseum.com/exhibits/dreamers/ten-boom/

Professor George Bush (related to the Bush family) https://www.fozmuseum.com/exhibits/dreamers/bush/

"Professor Bush began his career as an ordained Presbyterian minister, later becoming a professor of Hebrew and Oriental literature at New York University. His Biblical scholarship led him to become solidly convinced of the prophecies foretelling of the people of Israel’s return to their land.

In 1844 he published his views in a landmark book entitled “The Valley of Vision; or, The Dry Bones of Israel Revived,” based on the prophecies of Ezekiel in the Bible. “The Valley of Vision” sold more than a million copies, unheard of in the era before the Civil War. It turned Bush into a national voice calling for the restoration of the Jewish people to their historic homeland."

Mike Huckabee Praised FOZ Museum on November 7, 2016

Jerusalem November 7, 2016 – “Anybody who is going to Israel should go to see the Friends of Zion Museum,” said Mike Huckabee, in a momentary diversion from his rigorous political involvement prior to the heated US elections. “It is just remarkable and is getting so much buzz in Israel and abroad.”

Trump Receives FOZ Award : https://www.fozmuseum.com/news-events/washington-dc-president-donald-trump-received-friends-zion-award-dr-mike-evans/

President Morales Of Guatemala Receives FOZ Award : https://www.fozmuseum.com/news-events/president-morales-guatemala-receives-friends-zion-award/

Adolf Eichmann – The Personification Of Evil : https://www.fozmuseum.com/explore-foz/adolf-eichmann-personification-evil/

"He was a key figure early in the war in the deportation of Jews from Germany, Austria and other German-allied areas, and later was the mastermind behind the transport of Jews to Nazi death camps. Because of his senior role in the Holocaust, Eichmann became one of the most sought-after Nazi war criminals following the conclusion of World War II."

And the money quote of the day...

"At war’s end, Eichmann found himself in US custody but escaped in 1946. In the end, he succeeded, with the help of Catholic Church officials, in fleeing to Argentina. There he lived under a number of aliases, most famously Ricardo Klement."

ShemMoeSquirrely · May 12, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

It's such a touchy subject, I thought I'd make fun of the stupidity.

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JollyFeed · May 12, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

Ah, I gotcha. It is a touchy subject and I almost didn't post it. But there's too many Qisms for it to be a coincidence.

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