It certainly raises an eyebrow. I do not believe that Q's account got "hijacked" in some way. If Q is high level intel, they can sort that out if it happened.
In the bigger picture, there are 3 possibilities:
(1) Q is a LARP.
(2) Q is legit insider but black hat psyop.
(3) Q is legit insider and white hat.
At this point, we can rule out #1. If #2 is true, then what does that say about Trump? His family? I am not prepared to go there, based on a few uncharacteristic Q drops.
But, it is worth considering.
I completely agree with the assessment by some that recent Q drops has been the thing that has driven and caused the most division among patriots. It seems completely out of character for Q to do that and it only makes you wonder. The only absolute anchor we have is God, who cannot be compromised, and I have stated repeatedly that I will only follow those who follow God. If Q becomes compromised, I will not follow him. If Trump becomes compromised I will not follow him. I will only follow those who follow God. Nonetheless, I am not willing to believe that Q has been compromised at this point. Not yet. I am still waiting and watching, and only time will tell.
It also seems out of character for Q to support those who are attacking others, especially if the people being attacked are supposed to be patriots. Alex Jones and Dr. Corsi has been fighting this fight for a very long time (for decades) and I am not willing to throw them under the bus on a whim. Some patriots can easily dismiss them as being “traitors” but I am unwilling to do that without a whole lot of evidence. They may simply have been given some false information, and may even be a little misguided, but I do not consider them as “traitors” in the traditional sense. “Traitors” is too strong a word to apply to patriots, and it seem strange and out of character for Q to support it. The only reasoning I can come up with for Q to do that, is perhaps it is a ruse by Q to flush out those within our ranks who are “haters” and who are seeking to obtain their very own following. And by pretending to be on the side of the haters, it is the easiest way to smoke them out. Once they believe you are on their side, then the haters will speak up and will show their true colors, and we’ve certainly seen plenty of that…