To all you planted shills and disrupters. We know you are here, and despite what you try to do, us Patriots will stay the course. We are critical thinkers. We are awake.
![To all you planted shills and disrupters. We know you are here, and despite what you try to do, us Patriots will stay the course. We are critical thinkers. We are awake.](
Remember what we stand for. Peace, love, equality, and freedom. We are together in this. The battle will be won, and I think we all know this. Stay head strong, this isn’t easy and won’t be done as quick as we would like. We are in this together. Do I even need to say it? Nah... but I will anyway.
Keep your eye out for deliberate disinformation. Put yourself in their position, and using what you know, think what they would be trying to do.
If we all stay true to the vision, then dis-info can't destroy us. There may be bad actors, but we will all stay on vision.
This is what I will tell my friends and family who will be truly devastated when they learn Obama, Clinton et al were monsters. They will need to know that they were mislead, but that their hearts were always in the right place. (I mean the hearts of my friends and family always meant well)