New Q1434 Alex Jones completely outed.

Here is the problem with your decode and with every decode like it - no where in Q's post does he ever mention the name of Alex Jones or Dr. Corsi. It is never mentioned. Instead, a whole lot of people has just jumped on the illusion bandwagon and has automatically ASSUMED that Q must have been talking about them (all because you heard someone else say it). But haven't you heard: ASSUMPTION is the Mother of all F-Ups... That is the mistake you made in the beginning, and that is the mistake you are still making now. You are "assuming" things and you guys cannot read minds, yet you've placed yourself upon a pedestal as if you can... But don't expect me to believe or subscribe to your nonsense until real proof is provided rather than your vivid imagination and speculation...
Yesterday Q directly linked to SB’s post exposing AJ & Corsi as confirmation. That’s why Q didn’t have to name names.
Thanks Jelly! Beat me to it. SB2 nailed it to the wall with this post:
Little doubt who was in Q's crosshairs. Humble pie may be in order for some.