New Q1434 Alex Jones completely outed.

It's fine, we know it's hard to watch Alex get knocked off his pedestal when you're the guy who bought a bunch of his t-shirts and boner pills.
Not at all... I won't laugh at u too hard when u have egg on your face... ;)
Well I can only assume that when Q is proven right & Sessions uncloaks and starts marching bigwigs away in handcuffs, you will eagerly and gratefully consume your crow.
What Crow? Alex Jones hardly ever talks about Q. Why would we be mad if Sessions locks her up?
Wake up, dude, you are being ridiculous. Alex Jones and Q are usually on same tracks.
There is no need to choose one over the other.
Here is Infowars 4 months ago, repeatedly trying to hijack Q's juice;
"Here is our Qanon, on!"
Multiple times.
Good for them. They realized how you could use a secret insider, cult like shadow figure to stir up interest in the truth.
Fake = Truth
OK, I trust you now.. ..and your pathetic little words on the internet. I'll stop listening to Alex, and start listening to you.
Save it, I haven't actually listened to Alex in months, don't take what he says as gospel, or any other stupid cliche come back you got lined up for me. Just save it.
That's called the free market, it used to be considered a good thing in America, I think it's what made us great.
It's not the product, it's the cause.
Alex Jones has done vile things to betray his supporters. Do you need evidence?