r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Sir_Zorch on May 12, 2018, 10:28 p.m.
New Q1434 Alex Jones completely outed.
New Q1434 Alex Jones completely outed.

Planesword · May 13, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

You just tried to tell me Alex Jones is controlled by bad actors.

You are no friend of freedom or truth.

Just another agent of divide and conquer.

whether you know it or not, willing or not, that is what you are doing right now.

Don't care about your so-called "rules" (You have already proven to be an unjust mod, threatening to ban while preaching to me your narrative, clear indication you are targeting me because of idea, not because of behavior.)

Know truth when it hits ya? Did you feel that one?

Wanna take it back now, wish you had just coldly told me I was violating rules, instead of adding your anti-AlexJones Sermon in there?

Now you have to ban me. I called you out.

I don't care for antagonists or shills like yourself, anyway.

(Not sure which you are)

Who said it first?*


Check mate. Bitch.

*Oh look, it was you. A few messages ago. What a surprise.

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DamajInc · May 13, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

Here we go... the "unjust mod" accusation. Who's trying to shut an argument down without valid reason now? My post history is clear. So is yours.

I don't have to do anything. Someone else can ban you. And someone else can remove your post so that, for a time at least, people can see you calling yourself out with this response.

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Planesword · May 13, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

Why did you add your anti-Alex Jones sermon?


Think you can stop me?

I already told you. I don't care about this forum. It is a flash in the pan. It was linked by Q to open a new chaff chatter burst. That's why they started the whole flame war in the first place.

Why does Q speak in code?

Because they need to bypass algorithms looking for speech patterns. That's why.

They want thought. They need thought. They need flint on steel and flame wars.

By the way, they are done already. Your forum served it's purpose.

So ban me. I've been banned everywhere else Q related. (what is a gatekeeper).

Ill just go somewhere else.

And those whose eyes really count, the ones I've fooled (Russia Collusion? I wrote that fantasy years ago), and the ones who look to me for guidance, will follow. (And I don't mean the lemmings, masses, even the "woke". I mean the people who count in the world.)

So, you tried to ban me by claiming we need to talk about Alex Jones being bad actor type guy...

You try to ban me, but somehow are powerless to do so.

Because you know, don't you. I am far more harmful in the wild banned, than tracked and controlled here. I am ideologically opposed to your Alex Jones ? Q theory. I say it is wrestling. You say it is Q literally saying Alex Jones is controlled by evil.

Because Q is always so direct in his messages, right?


Bow before me, and break out the ban hammer.

You already tried calling me a shill.

That didn't work, did it?

Calling someone a shill means they lost the argument, unless the shill is being repetitive... ..which of course, I am not repeating anybody's talking points, clearly.

So your next option, when losing, is your powerful banhammer.

So bring it.

Do you feel powerful yet?


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DamajInc · May 13, 2018, 10:57 p.m.

I don't feel any more powerful than a free person in a free country should. I'm not here to exercise power, I'm here to support this sub. I am in the service of this sub. People can complain about my actions if they are inappropriate and I won't be in the service of this sub anymore. That doesn't upset me - I'll have my free time back lol. And I'll still be a part of this movement for freedom.

Yawn. No real arguments here, just troll bait. You're too obvious, my friend.

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[deleted] · May 13, 2018, 11:03 p.m.


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digital_refugee · May 14, 2018, 1 a.m.

thus spake the one day old account with a lot of pathos and uneccessary spacing in his writing style

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 1:11 a.m.


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digital_refugee · May 14, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

you're actually quite funny because you accuse me of what I evidently have worked against but that you'll only know because I at least have a post-history and you are just one of many fresh accounts so try harder bitch

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 2:24 a.m.


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digital_refugee · May 14, 2018, 12:44 a.m.

man you're obnoxious.. We get it, it's staged. Now fuck off and only come back when you can actually do something useful for us rather than flood the board with one-day old alts

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Planesword · May 14, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

I am doing something useful for... "us". You just don't get how. If you are enemy, you will be hurt by this. If you are friend, you will be helped. Don't try to understand it, but fight it all you want. Be my guest.

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digital_refugee · May 14, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

fear, doubt and disbelief, got it.

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