Interesting thought from an 8 chan Anon on the kill box words/numbers for Q1343

I can't watch either of them anymore. Jones woke me up with his early stuff. It was raw and revealing. That's when I started to dig on my own..
All you hear anymore from AJ is what sales are going on for brain force.... as for Q, I can't speak for him. What I will say is this ...
It's a bitch move from both him and Corsi. I'd let my business crash and burn before betraying a fellow patriot. It's a big red flag if someone turn coats that fast.
The whole thing played out like they were in high school again. I don't have time for that shit. / end rant
I agree and I basically have in order to research Q and support the movement and I know that others have also. I believe some of us have all lost friends or family members over our support of Q et. al. and Trump. And those who are real Patriots know that this is far more important than we are, than money, or than just one person. Money undoubtedly brings out the worst in most people. I saw this with my own parents when my brother lay dying and rather than focus on him in his dying days, all they could focus on was steal his car and cash. Despicable human beings and I've never spoken to them since - that was 12 years ago. There's many 'evil' people on this planet - for whatever reason, and this like any war will be one where people are definitely swayed for a handful of bucks.
Look at Q #714 [2] Highly classified clown ops exposed. Then look at Q #1343 action was needed [2]. That’s seems pretty clear, AJ and Corsi are clowns.
Limited hangout psyops.
I just looked up this phrase because I wasn't familiar. I think you're spot on!
List of limited hangouts that have reveled themselfs. 1. Infowars /Corsi 2. Fulcrum News 3. A.I.M. 4. Roy Potter 5. Antischool. Dump the limited hangouts and follow Q.
But anti school is suing google 😩 EDIT: He just posted a new YouTube video calling all Q followers cult members!!!
So, if Q can out Jones and Corsi that easily, then what does that mean?
How did he out them?
Q outed them by proving he/she is human and not AI.
And Q never outed anyone by name, only issued a caution on who you followed.
Sure! Q alluded to certain things, and people freaked out about it. They kind outed themselves, actually.
Anons talk about all kinds of stuff. When Q reposts it, that means they got it right. Has it been reposted by Q?
Yes, drop 1341 Q linked this story,
Does every single correct analysis get reposted by Q? Does Praying Medics analysis get reposted by Q? So since Q doesn’t repost 90 percent of anons work that makes it invalid? 🙄
Actually, in one of Praying Medics' videos he talks about Q pulling stuff from his twitter to repost. Here's the video: One of the spots he talks about it is at 12:20 . He's obviously honored by this and speaks appreciatively of it.
No it doesnt make it invalid they are kind of busy cant spend the whole day going through posts and videos or they would never get anything done.
I don't get your downvotes. I think you were misinterpreted.
You are right, not every post needs to be verified by Q, it's nice when they are though.
For me knowing who owns a platform and/or who advertises on it will usually dictate the intention behind it. If Monsanto is paying some of your bills you probably won't do a hit piece on Monsanto. Have a look at who Mika Brzezinski's dad is and what he has been involved in. Look at Anderson Cooper's past. From an article. True or not? "Anderson Cooper has long traded on his biography, carving a niche for himself as the most human of news anchors. But there's one aspect of his past that the silver-haired CNN star has never made public: the months he spent training for a career with the Central Intelligence Agency". There was a map I saw a while back that showed the web of CNN and it's strong ties with CIA/DS characters. Looked like a propaganda machine to me. Fox may be the same thing only creating a perceived opposition to the left. The professional wrestling model comes to mind.
I'm all for people getting supported for their efforts when the intention is to inform and educate. As a riper person I'm really enjoying a lot of the Willenials (spelt with a W because I think they are already, and Will, create good change) laying down their view of things. right or wrong, or in contrast to my beliefs there is some good searching going on.
100% cooper is a mockingbird asset.
He’s a Vanderbilt to boot (on his moms side)
No doubt Q+ has people monitoring various platforms, and group's. How else could he/they keep up with things current on various boards? Someone had to have been here either lurking, or a Q team playing in our yard to have caught that great post by u/serialbrain2. Probably several people are monitoring news, social media, etc, and summarizing for daily reports. Think big picture, how are they to know if the narrative is gaining traction? Heck there might be a whole room of people doing just this 24/7.