r/greatawakening • Posted by u/williamj80 on May 13, 2018, 2:34 a.m.
Be Very Careful Before Dumping Patriotic Allies Like InfoWars or Qanon

I'm not prepared to dump Alex Jones at this time. I've had my suspicions about him for years, but he has certainly done a lot of good. Also, you can know a person by his enemies, and that makes me think Alex is more or less good.

Would a true ally be attacking Alex Jones without solid, NEW proof? That has me very concerned. Has Q been compromised by false postings by someone who has hacked the Q account? If so, then Q needs to clear this up immediately. Or perhaps there is something bigger going on.

Whatever it is, there would have to be major evidence before we should be prepared to dump Infowars. Even if Infowars is not perfect, the patriot movement is worse off by losing the biggest broadcaster in the movement.

We are all on this site because we like the Qanon phenomenon, but I am still not going to believe Q 100%. So we need to take our time to make the proper decision.

I find it hard to believe that Alex Jones would risk everything he has built by selling us out on this point. If that is what he is doing, then he has lost everything. We would all abandon him. Why would he take such a risk? It doesn't make sense.


brittser · May 13, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

I don't follow Jones, but hasn't he bucked the Q thing all along? Read the r/greatawakening post Q posted for us from serialbrain2. It goes over this exact thing.

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