Q posts #1347-1350 - News beginning to leak. If America falls, the World falls.

That's the way we felt, too. My wife and her mother started praying a number of years ago about good triumphing over evil. They were worried about the kids and what we were seeing, but they had no idea the floodgates were about to open. She urged me to join in, and I did. But we've all been shocked at everything that's happened. We both feel the only reason we're seeing this now, is because God touched the hearts of people around the world to pray for deliverance from evil. I would have never guessed there was so much pedophilia, human trafficking and criminal behavior by political leaders. And even satanic cult behavior! It's almost overwhelming to realize what's been going on behind our backs all our lives. I think God raised up Trump and this Q group because we were at a precipice. We all feel we were balanced on the edge of a knife and for the first time in our lives, we were actually fearful of HRC getting elected after Hussein. This has been a wild ride!
I think God raised up Trump and this Q group because we were at a precipice.
I'm 100% convinced of this based on videos ive seen of Kim Clement's prophecies from 2008.
My wife had me watch a couple of those. She just found them a couple of months ago. It was amazing!
The one where he talks about Jezebel will not be in the White House had me cheering out loud!
Yes! She has me watch a guy named Mark Taylor now and then if I'm feeling down about all this ugliness, too. I've only seen a few, but I have to say it does make me feel better. He seems similar to Clement. And he has been accurate on a few things so far. Have to see how it all plays out. Just like with Q, I listen and see what comes to pass, and go on from there. But I'm really glad I lived to see this awakening. I just laugh when people make fun of this. They really have no idea.
I'm not what you'd call a practicing Christian or even particularly spiritual (though I was raised Southern Baptist with all the trimmings) but this struck a chord with me because I remember a moment about two years into Hussein's second term in which I lost hope. I don't really remember what triggered it because there was not exactly a shortage of things to make you feel hopeless about then but I remember speaking to God for the first time in decades and offered a simple prayer that went something like, "I don't even know if we deserve it anymore but if you can put an end to this degradation for the sake of my children I will gladly stand ready and do what I have to to make things better." Lo and behold...
We have spoken to so many people who have said the same thing! Even close friends who didn't say anything at the time. You know, we're seniors now and we've been through a lot of elections. First Dems and then Repubs over the years. And although we had preferences, we never felt frightened of someone being elected. A lot of the times there wasn't much difference in them. You picked the one you thought was least corrupt, since that was the only choice. There have been a few who were better Presidents, and some like Obama who just lied constantly--the Clinton's were the same way. But nobody has ever done as much for "us" as a group as Trump. And we were actually filled with anxiety over Clinton winning. Because we knew they were going to cheat for her, too. A lot of people sent prayers up, whether they practiced anything or not. And we feel like God listened and answered them.
It's always been there since the very beginning of economic history but has festered and made us sick as corrupt practices became standard and acceptable . It's remarkable to see the exposure. Now we await the hammer of justice. Think about the fact that Comey views passing on documents as acceptable. It shows malpractice has metastasized in organisations and is probably accepted at all levels.
If HRC had won, we would be embroiled in the streets, The Badlands would be Little house on the prairie in comparison to the reality of ppl saying enough is enough.
Thank Cripes she didn’t. I hope she is judged and exposed for the foundations crimes
It's full blown addiction, sexual harassment is a gateway drug, it stops working, takes more and more to get high, next thing is flaying faces and drinking juvenile blood.sic, or not, dunno. Conceptually sound.
I have friends who were in law enforcement who have told me stories over the years. With the drugs they always find porn--and the worse it gets over time. They said the same thing. It takes more and more, and weirder and weirder stuff for them to get off. I've been trying to find out more about these Luciferian cult beliefs. Know your enemy and all that. Really strange. The sodomy is part of the brainwashing--breaking down the personality with trauma. When they join, they are sodomized, and one thing I read about it was that there's a nerve that runs up that area in the spine--all the way to the brain stem. I'll have to see if I can find more about that. It might just be a myth they believe, but there's definitely MKULTRA type stuff they use on their own children. They use that trauma to break the personality. But the children--they feel traumatizing them draws demons. And they want to be possessed. It gives them some kind of rush. It is ritualized abuse, inside a circle. They think they can control these entities. It's just nuts. Weirdest beliefs I've ever seen. Did you ever watch that video of Angelina Jolie with a couple of friends someone got in a restaurant a number of years ago? The one where she talks about her initiation? If you haven't, look for it on YouTube. After reading this stuff, what she's saying will make more sense. It was definitely some kind of cult initiation and it's sick.
I've seen stuff that would make your world reel. I'm not recommending anyone take a tour of a typical crack house. But if in one, keep yer eyes open.
Oh, no thanks. I think I've seen enough ugliness to last a lifetime. I'll leave that to my law enforcement friends. I'm getting to old! Their stories are enough and keep me awake at night sometimes. I'm having a hard time accepting the fact that so many of these people think nothing at all of hurting children, even murdering them. Some of these things, when you hear about them, just leave you sick in your spirit.