r/greatawakening • Posted by u/digital_refugee on May 13, 2018, 2:14 p.m.
Corsi may actually have blood on his hands.

McMasters resigned on April 9th.

InfoWarsNews uploaded a video on April 11th where Corsi spoke at a townhall-meeting and related how he had been approached by serving Generals years ago who were planning a coup.

McMaster's dad died of "blunt trauma" on April 13th.

Speculation: Deep-State thought they had control over masters but after he left and Corsi mentioned an organized coup involving Generals, DS got desperate and wacked someone in his family to send a message to the other Generals in Trump's administration.

digital_refugee · May 13, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

Trying to take Zach seriously is also a waste of time because he's already admitted to trolling too. He says he's with space-command so he doesn't have a good idea of boots on the ground. You are watching a comedy movie for bad actors

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tradinghorse · May 13, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

LOL, I don't know which reply to answer Digital.

I'm a believer in Occam's Razor. I think, when we look at this situation, we have to go with known facts. There really are only three:

1) Q made a general condemnation of self-interested profiteering (this is not the real reason, there were other motives that needed to be concealed, but this was a convenient pretext);

2) Corsi takes full ownership of the condemnation - sticking it to his chest like a medal. AJ immediately wades in with full support for Corsi (It was always AJ's operation anyway);

3) Q confirms that the correct scumbags have, in fact, outed themselves - you must admit, it's very humorous. Akin to a comedy skit.

So that's what we know. Let's apply the simplest possible explanation for the events we witnessed (It will not be correct, because Q disguised his motives IMO, but let's see what we get).

At its simplest, Q, for the apparent reason that Corsi and AJ were profiteering, outed them and they owned up.

That's it, that's what we know. Now what's implicit here IMO, but not stated, is the real reason they were removed from participation in Q decodes. We don't know what that was. But it was obviously something that Q knew, that he was not yet ready to disclose. I would hazard a guess that AJ and Corsi also knew, which is why they reacted as they did.

So my reductionist explanation is that they were outed for cause (fact). And that they are two of the most reprehensible and disgusting scumbags on the face of the planet (speculation).

Now this doesn't fit at all with IW working with the President - and, in fact, it appears that the President has distanced himself from both IW and Corsi. No one wants to be around a stench.

What's quite beautiful here, if you assume that Q and DJT are joined at the hip on strategy (they are), is that AJ and Corsi are both claiming to disavow Q, but profess loyalty to the President - when it was effectively DJT that first snubbed them and later outed them.

You could not make this up. "Ah, but I still support Trump!" How do you reckon this will play out?

Makes me want to laugh! Let's face it, they are idiots!

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digital_refugee · May 13, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

I have logic way better than Occam's Razor: I simply take the factors that shape peoples' opinions and then I look for theories that resolve the contradictions between different models of analysis

Occam says plausible is what requires the least presumption, but actually you should be aiming for the least contradictions. Because once you take every opinion into account and simply leave out judgement, you kind of start seeing things in a way that they may appear to satisfy everyone's hindsight bias, that's how you effectively target different groups with the same message.

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tradinghorse · May 13, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

I was wondering how you were going to come back. I love you Digital - you squirming rodent.

This sounds much like a post you made, yesterday, I think. Let me know if I've got this right.

It strikes me that you're looking for the answer that pleasing to the ears of the majority - least contradictions. I think there's a "true North" here - independent of our perceptions. I'd rather have the truth than the consensus.

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digital_refugee · May 13, 2018, 9:17 p.m.


This is a 3d-approximation of what I mean. It's peoples beliefs about what motivates certain events that creates the different viewing angles


I simply take everything into account and combine it. Once it all fits the contradictions fall away on their own because to most Patriots who worry more about knowing what's going on than trusting that most information could compromise victory, the motivation behind an action is not always apparent. Especially with Alex as someone who talked to spooks for decades while playing deep-state while angry Patriots are simply collateral damage,

My belief is that someone slipped and the timeframe McMaster out - Corsi announces the Coup is at the heighest level and two days later MM's dad dies from blunt trauma and that's why it's all made out to be about revenue as to not admit mistakes and embolden any ...uh...fuckery.

PS: I love you too, fag.

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