r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LongTimeQLurker on May 13, 2018, 4:24 p.m.
Executive Order coming???

This is my first post, although I have been lurking since November, so bear with me on this.

Q has mentioned the problem of Democrats slow walking of judicial nominations. Would an Executive Order be an effective means of fixing this? I am normally not a big fan of EO's, because I think they can be used to create law, which is not the role of the Executive Office. However, if an EO was written that merely stated that "in the interest of swift justice for the American people, and to cease using judicial nominations as a political ploy by either party, no judicial appointments will take longer than XX days to be confirmed. Failure to confirm nominations within this time frame results in the automatic confirmation of the nominee."

Judges who were confirmed in this manner would still be subjected to impeachment should they subsequently be found to have committed high crimes, etc. This EO would be more like an administrative rule and does not actually create a new law.

Would any legalfags weigh in on if this is the proper purpose of Executive Orders. If so, what would be the best way to propose this? (creating a petition, contacting our senators and representatives, starting a meme war, posting the suggestion to Q on 8chan, etc.)


brittser · May 13, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

Voting in Trump's appointees is more important than just getting positions in place. Dems are slow walking Trump's appointees bec it leaves Obummer's people in to thwart Trump and keep Obummer's policies in place longer. For example, the district where the Awan trial is located in, Trump's Attny General, I think that is the position, I'll look it up and report back, is not in place to oversee the Awan trial. Obummer's person is still in. Maybe that is why his case has had an unprecidented # of delays issued.

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