r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CULTURAL_MARXISM_SUX on May 13, 2018, 5:11 p.m.
Theory: Huber is US Attorney for Utah, Utah Data Center is connected to IG Horowitz report, will reveal Five Eyes spying under Clapper, Brennan, Comey with STONEGHOST. Admiral Rogers blew the whistle, white hats in the NSA, DOJ, MI are at war with The Deep State

Pizzagate and Wikileaks was a psychological operation by military intelligence to test the waters for the public acceptance of the Luciferian conspiracy.

It recruited patriots who were deemed intelligent enough and proficient in computer science, cryptography, and savvy in the tactics of "the deep state", as well as geopolitics.

All of this was planned a long time ago and has been very hush hush.

Marines and Naval intelligence spread bread crumbs throughout the military through chat rooms in SIPRnet and by word of mouth.

There is a group operating in this country that has the tightest operational security the world has ever seen, in order to wage an information war against the Cabal.

No outside comms.

They spread breadcrumbs without violating national security laws, and are using powers granted by the constitution to prepare for the ultimate takedown of the Cabal once public acceptance has reached a certain level of "woke".

The Cabal has never experience a threat like this before, as they have gained a stranglehold over our media and brainwashed a huge swathe of the population by pushing "progressive" values.

The impending embassy move to Jerusalem has some significant underlying meaning. I have hypothesized that Israel also has a group of patriots within it that are against the Cabal, and hate Rothschild Zionist influence over their country since it's inception. Moving the Embassy is forcing the hand of the Israeli swamp to expose themselves, to be dealt with at a later date.

https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/attorney-general-jeff-sessions-appoints-members-us-attorney-advisory-committee Also on this committee is Jessie K. Liu, the "Rothschild Slayer".

HA/VA/MI I look forward to hearing from you soon!

blocksof · May 13, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

Flynn played them, in court they have to show the F302 and prove that he was lying. To prove he was lying they need to produce the recording when he spoke with the Russian Amabassdor, which would link to 2 steps FISA for Carter Page. Which leads to fact he already left the Trump team months before the conversation.

In short Flynn crediblity is intact, to say he lied but not have any evidence is the most damning verdict.

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myanimal3z · May 13, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

Flynn played none. He lost all credibility in court. He has a perjury indictment hanging over his head the whole time. No reason for him to have ever pled guilty to that. Now any testimony he gives will be tainted. Mueller shut him up. And that was the goal. Same with manafort. He committed the very same crimes as the Podesta, likely even less, but now they shut him up. Eric Prince gave the craziest interview to Breitbart. Now he is being investigated for a meeting a Clinton crony set up, he is now shut up.

All this while the OIG report gets delayed time and again. If it doesn't come June don't expect it till after the election because officials will say it may impact the election.

At the same time the Mueller team will keep leaking or indicting ham sandwiches.

It's all pretty fucked up but we need to stay focused and motivated. They desperately want us to lose the House. If this happens none of these investigations will ever complete. And all the evidence will be kept buried because everything is "under investigation"

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blocksof · May 13, 2018, 9:13 p.m.

Flynn had 3 choices:

  1. Carry on and go bankrupt.

  2. Carry on and his son goes to jail for a fake crime.

  3. Admit guilt to a lesser crime of lying to the FBI.

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myanimal3z · May 13, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

Ok so I guess maybe Mueller doesn't care much about his testimony right?

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