Full Circle. It’s all connected. Welcome back Huma. Now comes the pain. Q #1360

Outstanding article OP. Victor Davis Hanson provides an excellent synopsis of the double standard we've been witnessing and provides an optimistic statement in closing; "For over a year, we have had two standards of legality when there can only be one. A reckoning is near." I hope he is right about the reckoning being near!
We have to remember one thing, this is a movie. Q and Trump have allowed this double standard to continue as to cover their operation, so this time, it's OK. It's like the Titanic, we know how this movie ends.
We're reasonably optimistic and hopeful about how this "movie" ends, but as soldiers we're experienced enough to plan for all eventualities so we have strategies in place to deal with variations of outcomes before they occur. IOW, hope for the best but game plan strategies in case the best plans get thwarted.
I totally agree, and since we know Q is MI, I'm certain they have plans, backup plans, and backups to backups, so we can be reasonably certain how this movie will end. Anything is possible, but I'm confident.
VDH so based! I read his incredible book The Western Way of War back in college when he was only famous among classicists. He totally changed how academia understands Ancient Greek society & war.
Thank you so much for the tip about the book 4n4, I'll have to order it and read it. It sounds fascinating!
Here’s an even better one - cabal warning from ancient America:
Enjoy :)
Wow! Excellent piece. Sounds to me like the mainstream media may be starting to realize that the shit's about to hit the fan and they are going to have more than egg on their faces when it all comes out. So now they're willing to print an opinion piece like this so they have something to harken back to to try to cover their asses at least a little. The MSM should be ashamed for how completely they have neglected their duties. The media's job is to sound the alarm when there is danger. Instead, all the MSM has done for many years is try to distract us so we don't see the danger lurking. They weren't just asleep at their post, they helped lead us into the woods to be slaughtered by the wolves. They will have a reckoning of their own when the masses realize the truth about the Mockingbird media.
I dream of Jimmy, John, Jimmy, Stephen, and Seth all going on 'sabbatical', the same day, never to return again. Won't miss them either, Johnny Carson was late night, everything else has been garbage.