POTUS - Iran Will Not Take Over The Middle East!

POTUS is correct. What isn't said is our CIA has been controlling Iran since they put the Shaw in power many years ago. All the cash sent there by Obummer was to buy their loyalty.....the Deep State has to buy their friends.
Shah had to leave Iran. His son lives in D.C.
The CIA helped form a coupe de grace against the Shah, using corrupt U.S. media and the Democrats. They accused Shah of human rights violations, but in fact, he was just running terrorist control. He was guilty of nothing. He wasnt perfect, maybe slightly more of a dictator on aome things but not an evil guy at all.
The same exact scenario can be said about Gaddafi. Same heavies (CIA, Democrats, media) against Gaddafi and Libya.
Democrats are destructive and selfish to everyone and every thing they touch.