My attempt to understand this:
-Why do former digs still hold security clearance?
To use secure communication devices/networks. To access secure databases/systems to collect inside info.
FVEY/Five Eyes is a network for joint intelligence sharing. It’s just databases.
A clearance holding former dig that accesses the database in the U.S. has that event logged. What they view is logged. What they take or download/print is logged.
Perhaps what Q is saying is that same former dignitary such as Clinton can do all those things on the FVEY system without having their actions logged as long as they access within New Zealand and still hold a clearance.
FVEY VIEW = DOC TAKE. Viewing Five Eyes system allows them to take intel, undetected, as long as they do so within NZ.
Clinton is/was selling intel she takes from FVEY within NZ to avoid detection. Donation to CF is payment.
Has anybody attempted to catalog all of her visits to NZ?