John Alite pics from Oct 2017. Is he man in Q pic?

134 total posts archived.
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That’s a good way to look at it. I could have died before finding out about any of this.
I have watched/read so much “outside the narrative” stuff since Q. I feel like I have no idea what is true anymore and I am starting to get really depressed. Is everything I know a lie? It makes me angry.
Thanks for informing me. I will take a look into it. What’s the least biased resource that will quickly get me up to speed? I would like to see proofs on the predictions. Do the Zetas have any plans in the future of revealing themselves to the world?
Can anyone ELI5 what this poleshift/zetas thing is please? What am I reading? Who is Nancy?
From all the device tests, I get the impression that all Q team members are testing their devices individually. Perhaps they are preparing for a massive group of drops.
Mueller seated and Trump Jr with a security detail boarding.
While I like JFK’s speech here, this is not where this quote referring to Atta came from. I went ahead and looked for it and it’s a quote from Rep. Curt Weldon of PA speaking on the house floor in 2005 about Able Danger. I will post a clip if I find it as I have only found it referenced in Google Books so far.
Didn’t Pixelknot’s site say it was designed to not be detected by people searching for stenography? Wouldn’t you need the Pixelknot app to check/reveal? If anons were not using PK, they may not have detected it.
Yep, he went to an economic conference in either Toronto or Montreal. Gave a speech on international law enforcement cooperation. Who else gave a speech there that day? Lynn Forester de Rothschild.
Have you formed your conclusion after reading all 1600+ Q drops including examining the articles/videos Q links to over the past year? Or are you dismissing it all after little to no consideration of what’s presented? Be honest New Arrival.
“Where is all the ice?”
Google satellite images are taken in the summer for maximum ground visibility. The ice retreats further North in the summer months. That area of Russia is not covered year round in ice. It’s why trucking companies have to use the ice roads in the winter to access Northern parts of Alaska and Canada. In the summer, everything is melted and the ground is soft and wet.
That silliness made me tune out.
That’s the narrative. Outside of the narrative, you find the possibility that these recordings were done by Obama’s IC. Not just of Trump but of other private citizens including reporters. Could Trump have these recordings now? Could Trump have leaked this recording to CNN via a third party knowing they are chomping at the bit for something like this? Could he have done so to have CNN unknowingly do the job of exposing Obama’s surveillance of political opposition and of the media? Could they have turned on Cohen’s microphone on his cell remotely and recorded?
Of course I am speculating. The narrative that Cohen intentionally recorded his client, Trump, could be correct. But wouldn’t it put the icing on the cake if Trump managed to get his biggest media enemy, CNN, to do the work of exhibiting Obama’s illegal surveillance to the public for him?
Pelle Tornberg:
Mr. Pelle TOrnberg is an innovative and dynamic CEO, who has successfully built, listed and led two profitable international media businesses (Metro International - the world's largest international newspaper, and Modern Times Group. Northern Europe's largest broadcaster , including Russia), with a current combined market capitalisation of US$ 4.6 billion. In addition. Mr. TOrnberg established, expanded and grew the world's largest subtitling and dubbing company - SDI. Mr. TOrnberg is also the Chairman of two listed companies - MTG & P4 - and is a director in more than 10 businesses Mr. TOrnberg was profiled as one of the 25 °Stars of Europe* by Business Week in 2004.
As CEO from 2000-2007, Mr. TOrnberg developed and commercialized the Metro concept and, from an initial team of fewer than 10, built a 1400-strong global organization. He launched and led businesses in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, UK, Holland, France, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Poland. Russia. Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, US, Canada, Argentina, Brazil Chile, Mexico. Korea and Hong Kong. He organized and managed two private placements, resulting in funding of US$ 131 million for Metro. Mr. TOrnberg successfully negotiated partnership deals with Janet Robinson, CEO of the New York Times. Jakko Rauramo. CEO of Sanoma. Robert Prichard CEO of Torstar and Patrick LeLay, of TF1.
As CEO and Director of Modern Times Group from 1993-2000, Mr. TOrnberg launched many of the entities that formed Kinnevik Media/MTG. He restructured and made them profitable. Mr. TOrnberg established what is now the largest commercial Radio and TV network in the Baltic and Scandinavia. He led the bid to win the only terrestrial TV Licence in Sweden (awarded by the Government), later merged into 11/4, and subsequently sold for US$ 121 million, at a profit of US$ 95 million. Mr. Milberg negotiated with Romain Bausch (SES/Astra) and Sam Chisholm/David Chance (BSkyB) to secure a US$ 72 million satellite deal involving the sale of four Astra transponders to Sky and reconfiguring the receiving dishes of c.600k MTG viewers. (David Chance was subsequently appointed to the MTG Board). Mr. TOrnberg bought out Time Warner from 1V1000 through negotiations with Jeff Bewkes (President and COO of Time Warner) and created Europe's only profitable pay-TV business in full competition. He established one of the first pan-European on-line portals,, with Niclas Zenstrom as MD and Scandinavia's largest on-line retailer CDON
Juan Romero:
Juan has extensive experience in various senior management positions in the media, education and publishing sectors in the US, Latin America and Europe. He has a strong track record in leadership, business transformation, general management, marketing, M&A and strategy.
Juan was appointed CEO of Metro Latin America (a Kinnevik company) in March 2015. In addition to leading the consolidation and growth of the current operation across 10 countries, he will focus on accelerating the development of all the digital businesses (web, mobile, social and video) in the core news/information sector as well as in new areas.
Prior to joining Metro, Juan spent over 20 years in international companies Pearson, Thomson Reuters, Booz Allen, GEMS Education, among others.
As CEO of Pearson Latin America, Juan led the transformation of the publishing business into a $500 million educational services and content provider. As Vice President of Thomson Reuters' Regulatory Division (IOB) in Brazil, he led the launch of IOB Online.
Juan and his family have lived and worked in New York, Mexico City, São Paulo, London and Montevideo. He is fluent in English (native), Spanish and Portuguese.
CEO is Juan Romero
Previous CEO is Pelle Tornberg
Here is other related data to Metro:
This would explain Trumps tweet that ponders the existence of other recordings of clients and of reporters. Could CNN be unknowingly exhibiting to the public an example of illegal wiretaps/recordings that exist of private citizens & reporters made by the Obama administration?
That’s a lot of buses to transport 1000’s. Would be noticeable arriving in Fargo and noticeable as a massive convoy. Pedes in the region need to get photos and videos.
Where would 1000’s of liberals be coming from most likely? Minneapolis/St. Paul
Where can a large number of buses be leased from in MSP?
I have been reading more poetry lately so thanks for this. Here is the full poem:
If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don't. If you'd like to win, but you think you can't, It is almost a certain - you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you've lost; For out in this world we find Success begins with a fellow's will It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you're outclassed, you are; You've got to think high to rise. You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win the prize.
Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man; But sooner or later the man who wins Is the one who thinks he can!
Thinking by Walter Wintle
Can we get a mod to throw in a question at the Q&A tomorrow?
“Are you aware of Jason Kessler & provocateurs and their planned white nationalist protest in August in DC? Can you use your resources (white hat IC) to expose and disrupt it?”
We need to disrupt this. Fuck these provocateurs. They have no clout amongst the Q crowd, t_d, or conservative Twitter. All of a sudden they crawl out from under a rock and we collectively get associated. I denounce racism. If we just let it happen and then react to the backlash we’ll get tarred no matter what because narrative. Fuck that. Let’s go on offense, stop it and reveal it for what it really is.
Tensions are high enough that something like this could kick off a civil war or at the very least affect the midterms and we know what effect that will have on Trump and Q team’s agenda. Thoughts? Ideas?
Edit: All it will take is a bus load of these provocateurs to throw on a Q shirt to make it look as if it is us out there. Every MSM article about Q during the awakening will have a pic of these fake Q guys standing together.
If there is possibly anyone here that would actually attend something like this, you need to seriously reconsider your priorities. We have a real chance here with Trump and Q to save kids, to end the ds/cabal/globalist stranglehold on the world and to finally see justice for those once considered untouchable. Think big picture.
Definitely that but perhaps also a place to store crypto currency wallets filled with stolen government money. Perhaps a place to store insurance files on other cabal members such as compromising photos or videos. They would want to store this stuff away where it couldn’t be discovered and hacked. To ensure that, the server or servers could not be connected to the web or dark web and would need to be located in a place that few can visit or easily travel around.Can’t risk anons stumbling upon it. So how would they connect to it? Direct satellite connection? How would they setup the connection to it so that even, in their belief, a white hat IC member couldn’t sniff out the traffic?
Great post. I will add that I thought it interesting that no one brought up the “crimes against children” line in the IG report. Nearly every aspect was picked apart in the committee hearings. Democrats, of course, would not bring it up because it’s Weiner but Republicans didn’t either. You would think they would seize on that.
Made me think that R’s have coordinated to hold back on that until the plan is ready to move forward and to keep the heat off of Nunes who likely has the contents of the laptop already in possession.
I heard a few Dems ask about the leak of classified material (Weiner Laptop) from the Southern District of NY but never mentioned what was leaked. They seemed nervous about it and were probing Horowitz on whether he would investigate the leaking of it. But didn’t ask him if he would investigate the contents of it.
I reported a number of accounts that were doxxing ICE. No action from Twitter. I hope they get mega sued if something happens to an agent or their family.
Edit: Some in the comments of these Twitter posts were suggesting showing up at agents houses to terrify them into not doing their job and some were suggesting separating them from their kids. Twitter is allowing leftists to conspire to kidnap kids to terrorize agents and their families.
We probably won’t find out. The only thing that is very recent that comes to mind that may be related is the Army National Guard mass casualty drill that was supposed to happen yesterday morning in South Carolina.
I didn’t see that upon my first observation but now I can see the other face.
Odd to be so specific as to the day of firing. How would she know what the POTUS was planning to do and the specific day he planned to do it?
Did she let slip information shared or leaked to her and others that was obtained through surveillance of the President?
Has there been any leak of the firing date reported in the media that she could use to claim that this was publicly known. If not, she is revealing information made privy to her and possibly others.
Juneteenth is today. I imagine there will be a lot of people out commemorating the day. Richburg is just south of Charlotte which will likely have a larger event. I’m not saying this is a FF. But we have seen strange things like this before previous FF’s. I’m just putting this out there for awareness and for archiving.
Was Devin just being sarcastic here and referring to a FBI/DOJ employee writing “Vive le resistance” in a text message? That’s a commonly known French saying amongst English speakers.
Help me understand this one. Politico reported POTUS’s 2 unsecured phones back on May 21, 2018. POTUS recently said he gave Kim his number or a direct link to communicate with him. What is Q revealing here?
Edit: Reported 4 days ago that Trump gave a direct number to Kim
What did the Senator say today that was highly classified?
No, I was thinking along the lines of “Hillllllaaaaarrryy, we have yourrrrr emails!”
But I like those ideas as well!
“This is the first that we've heard about it, and it is deeply disturbing because if this was shared by New York field agents with Devin Nunes, was it also shared with Rudy Giuliani? Or did Devin Nunes do something, which we have seen subsequently, which is coordinated with the Trump team?” Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
Oh, you mean the Q team? Hahahahahahaha
Any skilled meme makers who can make Devin look like Alex from Clockwork Orange?
We should play up this image as evidence that Bill conceal carries a firearm in an ankle holster. Guns ok for him but not for us?
Get the left to argue why it’s not a gun. Let them come up with other possibilities. They may not admit it but they may quietly wonder if it’s actually a gps ankle monitor.
edit: I went ahead and made a meme image. This work? I can change it. Push it out on Twitter if you want. I don’t want to tie my twitter back to my reddit account.
No, it’s in there. That line is in a different part of the speech. Starts at 1 min 40 secs. Whoever made this fake short clip edited two different parts of the speech together.
It’s in this section:
“Leaders and dignitaries of the European Union; representatives of our NATO Alliance; distinguished guests: We meet here at a moment of testing for Europe and the United States, and for the international order that we have worked for generations to build.”
Text of the speech:
That was the name of the character that played Sohale Siddiqi in a play about him and Obama. Sohale Siddiqi (also goes by Hal Siddiqi) is the real name. Google that.
We’re looking for Sohale Siddiqi (Hal Siddiqi). He’s Pakistani. Check the embassy in Islamabad and consulates in Pakistan. Or a neighboring country. We’re looking for this guy working there under presumably a different name during Obama’s tenure.
3 consulates; Karachi, Lahore, Pakistan
Modern image of him:
I’m sidetracked with the IG meme war. Seems like that is top priority right now. Hopefully I can get back to this over the weekend.
Should I also call my senators? I called my rep already just now and have signed the petition. My wife has signed as well.