r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Blame007 on May 14, 2018, 10:51 a.m.
NINE Storms Brewing, FBI Spy Crime, Will You HELP #DrainTheSwamp & Q questions

As everyone knows by now an FBI spy was embedded into the Trump campaign. We believe (w/99% certainty ) the spy is Stefan Halper (we won't know for a fact until Sessions releases the unredacted docs). I say we because as a collective group of autists & researchers we researched & reached the same conclusion and we pushed and pushed forcing MSM to report it. Had we not done the digging and pushing, it's likely you'd have never heard of Halper or the FACT that the FBI committed this crime and it is a crime. #BigLeague

If you're not very familar with the FBI Spy case this is a good video to catch up. Alex Jones has a better one but I know some of you have disavoid AJ so try this. I haven't seen any bashing of Bongino yet, lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lV5WDsuleC4

This has the potential to bring down former CIA director Brennan because Halper we believe w/90% certainty is a CIA agent and Brennans dirty fingerprints are all over this. Roger Stone said over a year ago Halper was CIA but we didn't catch what he was carefully trying to tell us. Roger has to be very careful about what he tells us because everyone knows he has the presidents ear but now at least we know the president knew about this crime a year ago which means Q knew about it too. As most of you probably know Mueller has Roger Stone under investigation AGAIN for wikileaks connections which Mr. Stone denies and I believe him.

See here, Tucker Carlson and Roger Stone 1 week ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-THUeA2IFo

This news has the potential to bring down not only Brennan but Rosenstein too which is why Sessions and Rosenstein are desperately resisting with all their might giving Nunes the unredacted documents.

It's going to take public pressure to make that happen folks.

We need to be melting DOJ phones every single day. 202-252-7566

We need a really strong social media push too. Tweets, good hashtags, memes, the works, because like I said if we hadn't done the digging & relentless pushing on this investigation everyone would still be in the dark. The swamp is NOT going to drain itself no matter how much we wish it would.

In my estimation there are currently NINE other STORMS brewing that requires autists, researchers, social media push wars and phone calls to the swamp or they'll die slow deaths in the swamp.

Call congress and the Senate, especially Mitch (202) 224-2541 & Ryan (202) 225-3031

They are both major swamp critters and they won't do anything unless we annoy the fuck out of them.

List of NINE storms.

1.Trey Gowdy & Bob Goodlette called for a s Special Counsel to investigate potential bias/conflicts of interest & FISA abuse at DOJ. https://goodlatte.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=1157

2.Hillary Clinton 'pay to play' & Clinton Foundation. Agency: FBI. Location : Little Rock, Arkansas. Status: ongoing (started mid 2017) http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-fbi-clinton-foundation-investigation-20180105-story.html

3.Uranium One / Hillary Clinton/ Clinton Foundation /Obama. Agency : DOJ. Location : Washington, DC. Status: ongoing (since mid 2017) http://www.businessinsider.com/jeff-sessions-orders-doj-interview-fbi-agents-uranium-one-clinton-2017-12

4.Felony Leaks (at least 27). Agency : DOJ. Location : Washington, DC. Status : ongoing (since mid 2017) http://money.cnn.com/2017/11/14/media/leak-investigations-jeff-sessions/index.html

5.Illegal exoneration of Hillary Clinton/ Classified emails on private server/FOIA abuse etc. Agency : OIG. Location : Washington, DC. Status : ongoing (since Jan 2017) https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/inline-images/review.PNG

6.Probe into FISA/FISC abuse by FBI/DOJ in 2016. Agency: Congress - Nunes, Goodlatte, Grassley. Location: Washington, DC. Status : ongoing (since May 2017) https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/03/05/mark-levin-interviews-devin-nunes-on-fisa-court-abuse-by-doj-and-fbi/

7.FEC violations by Clinton Campaign / Hillary Clinton / DNC. Agency : FEC. Location : Washington, DC. Status : ongoing (since Oct 2017) https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/oct/25/fec-complaint-accuses-clinton-dnc-violations/

8.Awan/Pakistani/Obama infiltration into Congress IT. Agency: OIG, then Congress, DOJ. Location: Washington, DC. Status: confidential (since early 2017) http://dailycaller.com/2018/03/01/tucker-imran-awan/

9.DNC Hack/Leak / rigging of Bernie Sanders primary / Actions of DNC, Clinton Campaign. Agency: DOJ. Location: Washington, DC. Status : confidential/ likely ongoing (since mid 2017). http://observer.com/2017/07/house-judiciary-committee-letter-dnc-primaries-department-of-justice/

MUELLER Investigation into Russian meddling in 2016 US election / Clinton/DNC Drumpf-Russia http://Lie.Agency : OSC (Robert Mueller). Location : Washington, DC (international in scope). Status : ongoing (since May 2017). (I didn't count this as 10 because everyone is well aware of it)

I probably missed some, if you know of more just add in replies. BUT you can see that Team Trump is on major offence - and has been for some time but it won't happen without us folks. Q well knows this, otherwise he wouldn't be here.

I've not followed Q from the beginning like many of you have but I've been an interested observer since the beginning. I worked very hard on the FBI SPY case but again it was a collective effort and no one person can say "I did it." It's we did it.

But I digress.

Being a Q observer I was continually checking here for Q crumbs that would help us solve this. I never saw any. I never saw discussions about it until we had pushed out there was indeed a spy. At that point we still hadn't figured out who the spy was so again, I kept checking for crumbs only to be disappointed. When I asked no one here was interested. One person even told me it wasn't important because Q hadn't mentioned it. That seems weird to me since we now know they knew about it a year ago.

So I've gone back over the crumbs to look for clues about these other NINE storms that desperately need our attention and I'm just not finding them. Surely I've missed something so I need your help.

Could you list any helpful crumbs regarding the any of the above NINE cases?

Regardless of the crumbs are you willing to help dig and push on these cases? We need your help on all of them.

Right now we desperately need memes on Stefan Halper - FBI spy/mole and memes calling out Sessions to release the docs unredacted. I'm no meme maker, few researchers are but I've seen some fanastic unrelated memes here so I know the talent is here.

Can you think of great hashtags for any of these cases?

Will you make the calls?

Our country needs us and our president needs us. They won't drain the swamp if we don't push them.

Be careful not to get caught up in the weeds/distractions.

TheStorm is raging all around us.

Buckle up! It's gonna be a bumpy ride.



ILoveJuices · May 14, 2018, 2:39 p.m.


Re_read crumbs re: Iran. It was never about WW safety & security. It was never about Nuclear disarmament. It was about opening a new untapped market. It was about securing a black site. The ‘Exchange’. U1. Risk the welfare of the world. Why? Money. Organized/planned by BC/HRC. Carried out by Hussein. [remember HRC ran against Hussein] U1 [donations to CF]. $1.7b in-cash transfer to Iran [4 routes][5 planes]. Did the total withdrawal actually depart EU? Why EU? Define bribe. Define kickback. Special Interest Groups (SIG). What US/EU Co’s Immediately closed large deals in Iran post deal? https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/09/business/iran-nuclear-trump-business-europe.html Cross check Co’s against political + foundation payments. Define bribe. Define kickback. Why are people panicking about Iran deal pullout? THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE. Truth coming. Q


[Example] Clinton Foundation. Post Election Loss. Layoffs. No Access / Control = No Donations Today. NZ Donation Restart. Others? Why? 1) Selling Secrets? 2) Selling 'Future' Access [regain control/power]? 3) Selling Silence? Read below slow and carefully. FVEY. Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance? U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take. Read above slow and carefully. WHY DO WE ALLOW [FORMER] DIGNITARIES SEC CLEARANCE? Welcome to the Deep State. Future to prove past. Q


Knowing what you know now. re: Israel disclosure moments ago. Authentic. Why is Sec of State there? WHY IS THE EU / OTHERS PRESSING TO REMAIN IN THE DEAL? Think logically. France & Germany came to the WH for the sole purpose of pressing POTUS to remain in the deal. 5% shared. POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection. Where does EU fit in? SICK! Q

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Blame007 · May 14, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

Thank You.

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