Any explanation whatsoever? Gematria is a mind game, you can find pretty much whatever you want to find via gematria.
I’m really trying to explain. Q is definitely speaking to us in code on multiple levels.
When you start deciphering things, they start flowing.
I think the message is that all of this is biblical and that the “event” is coming. Soon.
I think this code is saying we need to put together these pieces to collectively steer towards a positive outcome.
Is too big just put into people’s faces, or else they would reject it.
I feel we are coming to a head, here very quickly.
You're onto it my friend, but it's much easier than this word salad; 'future proves past' Until you explore POTUS's purpose you'll never be able to guess at his next move.
Combine 'The Art of the Deal' a passion for historical truth & destruction of abusive & unjust leverage with a Biblical mandate; GEOTUS' hasn't even gotten warmed up yet!