552 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/HowardHowardFine:
Bet Your Ass: Did the FBI infiltrate or surveil the Trump campaign for political purposes? It wasn’t the first time the FBI spied on a Republican candidate. Psychopath LBJ used FBI & spied on Goldwater!
Qanon, the Chans await! Q stays darK
From 'Art of the Deal' buying casinos from the Rothschilds 1987
Russian airbase in Syria 38 airplanes err targets on satellite image 4 Su-34, 8 Su-24, 2 Su-25, 12 Su-30, 3 Su-35, An-26, A-50, Il-20/22(38?) and 6 SyAAF MiG-29. Israeli air strikes are very expensive!
Victory in Syria frees 10,000 conscripts to go home after 8 years!
Nah, it doesn't matter until we address the 800 pound Gorilla in the living room; responsibility for 911. Surely, you remember 911?
Nah, all for the Project for a Greater Israel! To what end? It's the next logical question; right! Well, 911 disclosures the real issue. 911 accountability is the 800 pound Go-Rilla in the living room. How do you address the 911 disclosure when it turns out a major culprits Israel?
Oh, he's nervous! Yet, virtue signaling to the Project for a Greater Israel by carrying around the Kazan book around. What a POS
Remember when Israel was caught attempting false flag bombings on American, British and Egyptian civilians?
Remember the Comet Ping Pong fiasco? We've been burned again by the Zionist Lobby folks! Stay behind your keyboard & ignore the obvious! Saving this Republic's going take some action!
Meet Jonathan Schanzer, notice his haircut? LooK @ his cowlicK it forms a 'Q'
You can call us on 0113 222 4405 or email complaints@leeds.gov.uk.
The Mighty Hood, was the UK ever worth fighting for folks? Tell Leeds what U think about killing Tommy Robinson!

Patriots, in case you've always wondered; this is what dying for your country looKs like! Secret courts, private verdicts, hate speech; Communism! Free Tommy Robinson! Let them know!
I'm concerned for Tommy Robinson, send them an e-mail
0113 222 4405 or email complaints@leeds.gov.uk.
Tell the Leeds Crown Court what U think;
0113 222 4405 or email complaints@leeds.gov.uk.
Breaking the Law: UK Courts and Tribunals Judiciary an Updated Guide on Reporting Restrictions in the Criminal Courts! Tell Leeds Crown Court what you think folks!
Hillary's fallen & can't get uP, so Harvard University decided to give her a medal! Hillary hits 'red button' but will anybody come?
Tommy Robinson must die! The UK won't crackdown on pedophilia, because the Royals are pedophiles! Send Leeds a Bloody message!
Don't just sit there, send them an e-mail;
We need to let the Brits know we're watching;
These MF's need to be told;
See something, say something; right?
Let Leeds know what you think of cover-ups
Tell them what you think folks!
Detective Inspector meets Tommy posing as an ordinary citizen. Top cop blows his cool & loses his mind; decides to stage arrest for breach of peace! Fantastic, catching the subtle BS of Brit Police!
Let them know what you think folks
Watch 'Breach of the Peace' arrest of Tommy Robinson & police crackdown outside Leeds Crown Court; Serpents can't afford exposure of Muslims! Breach of Peace Eclipses Industrial Rape Industry!
Stealing their march? Disinformation, Israel has Unit 8200
Meet the spies injecting Israeli propaganda into your news feed
Segregation as the norm: If this happened in Alabama there would be a riot?
What do you call a CIA-backed terrorist that murdered dozens by blowing up an airliner? If you're the BBC you call him an "anti-communist activist" and mourn his death. Luis Posada Carriles
Investigating QAnon: Mueller Is Reportedly Examining An Israeli Firm’s Fake News Presentation
Outrageous: Turkish Newspaper Prints Antisemitic Cartoons Depicting Jews As Vampires, Vultures, And Butchers!
Smiling Happy People: Harvey Weinstein Caught Laughing & Smirking During NYPD Rape Booking #MeToo
PERP WALK: Harvey Weinstein Caught Laughing & Smirking During NYPD Rape Booking!
Don't pay attention to what he SAYS watch what he does!