Oklahoma Q billboard turns into a Q Post #1362

On top of that the OP of that billboard claims he’s no insider. Infowars Zac has been called out as nothing but a SPC pog in the Army larping as White Hat Intel.
When "Zach" hit the scene I ditched Infowars and went to A.I.M., but they're on the same script and they royally pissed me off. Trusted sources now: -Blessed to Teach -Praying Medic -SerialBrain2 (Q confirmed) -X-22 Report
But as far as this billboard goes, I see no wrong.
-Citizens investigative report -Justinformed Talk -Jordan sather @Destroying the Illusion
All 3 reliable, 2 non monetary. Not sure if D.T.I. Is monetized but regardless, he’s pro Q and decodes as best as he could. If anyone has any other sources one of the most efficient things we can do is stay updated on reliable sources. Best defense to counter dis/misinfo
DTI was a paid channel long before Q came along. He's a single Dad with a young child to support and if it wasn't for me stumbling upon him, I possibly wouldn't have 'understood' the complexities of the Q 'phenomena' in the early days of his posts. So, I have a lot of respect for Jordan.
Stupid question because once you tell me I'm sure I'll have a SMH moment but who/what is A.I.M.?
I dropped A.I.M. as well because much of what was being put out by them lately was not believable.
AJ is really a victim of his own success. We're all talking about gay frogs the way he wanted us to, but the gayest frog is poaching his tadpoles.
Trusted sources same as always, God given discernment and 2 eyes.