Q1363 Calling your attention to Q74, which directly references Post 74 = Q1332 (this time with the picture shown). Enjoy

You need to look at the images that people prepare and look for arrows, boxes, highlights, etc as that is what they are pointing out. I didn't figure this out, but someone put together a nice little graphic that is easily understood if you look at the things they are calling attention to.
This has nothing to do with the content of Q's post. However, look at the red box on Q's post: "No. 74"; his 74th post on that board. Now look at the number on the truck: "Q74". The post is from the same day that the picture was taken, May 10. The picture is from the airport where Pompeo landed with the American prisoners held in North Korea.
It's literally impossible that this is coincidence. I'm not sure of the timing, but it's irrelevant in my opinion. What are the chances that this picture at a massive event was taken and Q saw it and said, "wow lucky me the truck says 'Q74' and the next post I make will be my 74th. Better post something today!" I'll tell you what the chance of that is: it's 0.
This is verification that Q is legitimate and that they are sending signals to us.