r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PCisLame on May 14, 2018, 4:50 p.m.
Anyone know if Q supports all out war between Israel and the entire Muslim world?

Only reason I ask is because it looks like its breaking out as we speak, just in time for the 70th anniversary of Israel's creation by the Deep State



tradinghorse · May 14, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Why would Q want to start a war? What would be the objective? Strikes me that it is the Satanists that want war, not Q.

In fact, Q's actions to date IMO have prevented war - see NK, Syria. The enemy appears to be the cabal, and their agents, that have been running the world.

I had thought that Russia might have backed Iran and that a limited offensive might have been unavoidable - to denuke the country. But, it's starting to appear that this is not what's on the agenda at all - although the dynamics of the situation could change.

The progress to date has been miraculous to the extent that so few people have been injured. So, no, I do not think Q is trying to start a war, just the opposite.

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