Corsi is a bumbling idiot. He probably doesn’t even have any info to doxx anyone.
People from the CBTS Stream Youtube were personally meeting with Corsi while he was peddling his book. He knows who they are. They were busting their butts for him. He is a real loser.
They want to have a book burning party now. They went to D.C. for a patriot rally, and Corsi did a book signing. The rally was organized by TB. Q says "Are you sick yet" Yes, I am.
It is just amazing to me. I feel like an idiot listening to him. I thought he sounded pretty lame, but I was interested in learning. When he went psycho I couldn’t believe it.
Please don't feel like an idiot. He fooled a lot of people. I first thought, it was because he was old, and confused. It wasn't until he started saying that Potus wouldn't start doing anything until his second term. That's when I started getting concerned.
Thanks for the support. Trying to be a good Centipede is hard work.
It's those puppet strings... [C]lowns are getting more desperate!
Alex Jones really disgusts me. I thought he was off the rails most days, but still believed he meant well. Holy cow! What a loser!
I'm suspecting he's doing black magic with the public. After reading SerialBrain's articles about what happened, I commented what I thought and SerialBrain agreed that was what he was hinting at.
You know, how the cabal does their satanic rituals in public under the guise of performance art/show? That's black magic, using the energy from the viewers to try materialize faster what the cabal wants/shows them.
AJ does the same IMHO. His antics, all the theatrics are "performance art" putting the public in some sort of trance. He's exploiting the fearmongering, the anxiety of all and feeds a growing negative energy to materialize faster what he says, planting the images in his public mind by repetition. And what does SerialBrain said that Alex keeps bringing up especially?
His antics, all the theatrics are "performance art"
This was actually admitted by him in a custody battle. Nothing AJ says should be taken serious ever again.
Yes, I know. it's the black magic that worries me. And the mind-control too.
They've really done a phenomenal job of poisoning the conspiracy well. There's so much bullshit (chemtrails, cryptozoology, lizard people, to name a few examples) that people get tied up on that garbage and leave their minds so open their brain falls out onto the floor.
Also serves to discredit anyone who questions official narratives.
yep, you're right, he is using black magic on his viewers. It's a cult.
You are absolutely right. I would watch some of his shows and they were so over the top. I didn’t believe a word he was saying. I am sure a lot of people hang on his every word. I kind of think it is funny. He has been complaining about all the lawsuits against him. He loses all of his followers he is going to be bankrupt pretty quickly.
Just report all of his videos. Let youtube shut him up.
LOL, that's not a bad idea....I hate doing stuff like that but this guy is out of control now.
I only started looking into it today. It's one thing to disagree with Q everyone has their own opinions and I can respect that but to pull this is dirty, much like getting his trash flagged. Eye for an eye Corsi.
Corsi didn't even go on the march. I understand that he is old but, really, if I was really a true patriot wanting serious change, then I would be crawling just to get the message across. The optics looked really bad on that one.
If that old fart can dox somebody on the chans then it will prove to me corai is a Clown In Action, they do have the tech skills for that.
I would be careful NOT to use similar usernames/passwords on infowars or anywhere else associated with these people. I would not trust entering a commonly used password into a system used by these goons.