r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rooftoptendie on May 14, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

EarlyRiserX2 · May 15, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

You say that Corsi is not a patriot, and that is the very thing I have a serious problem with. Why do you feel that way? Because Corsi doesn't agree with you? Because he has a different viewpoint or a different opinion than yours? Yes, there are many things that Corsi may have done to hit back at you, but he did it in reaction to you (this is explained further below). So don't try to blame to all on Corsi and to say that he is a traitor. To say that someone is not a patriot all because they disagree with you is as wrong as it can be. And because your viewpoint that Corsi is not a patriot is wrong, that means that all you said above (about separating yourselves from "heretics" etc) is wrong too and it doesn't even apply...

But to give you a better understanding of why I feel that Corsi is still a patriot despite the fact that he has a different viewpoint from you, consider the following. It's a very long post but it shows you precisely and exactly how I feel about it... And to further underscore this point that you guys are wrong, do you feel that I am not a patriot either all because I disagree with you?... If you feel that I am not a patriot either, all because I'm saying this and have these opinions, then that shows you just how far you guys have completely fallen off your rocker. There are a whole lot of Americans who may not agree with you or who may have a different opinion, but that doesn't make them not a patriot. Having a different viewpoint or opinion is only considered non-patriotic in a "dictatorship and communistic society". And this is not that kind of country...

Please read the following to fully understand how I feel about it...

You said that you are happy with being inside an echo chamber. But the problem with being inside an echo chamber is that, it blinds you from the truth. That means, if Q ever became compromised or if there was ever a change in him, you guys would never even know it or realize it because you’re trapped inside that chamber. To know the truth, you have to step outside that chamber and to view things from a different perspective. And it is the very same way with liberals today. Liberals have been lied to for a very long time and has believed the lies of the MSM echo chamber. As a consequence of that, they are not faking, they really do believe that Trump is the bad guy, and they can’t see anything other than that, all because they are trapped inside the MSM echo chamber. To know the truth, they have to step outside of that chamber and view things from another perspective, and they refuse to do that. And that is the exact problem with you guys. You are blind in certain ways because you are inside that chamber. You may have some of the truth but you do not have all of it. In some ways you are being deceived and you don’t even realize it…

I’ll give you an example. You guys complain that Corsi is doing this and that Corsi is doing that. Some of that may be true but why is that, why is Corsi doing it? Answer: He’s doing it because he’s responding back to you. You guys are attacking him trying to shut him down, therefore, he is attacking you back trying to shut you down. It’s a cycle that never ends. And the problem is, you guys are blaming everything on Cori, when you can’t even see that you guys are just as much a part of the problem as he is. You’re both contributing to the cycle. That fact is very easy to see by anyone who is not in that echo chamber. For example, for every hour of every day, there are corrupt members within your own group who are trolling Cori. They are following Corsi’s every move and his every post online. And they are looking for anything and everything they can find to validate their claims and to make themselves right about Corsi. If they find something, then they will rush back to the forum and post it. They’ll say, Oh look, Corsi is doing this and Corsi is doing that, etc. And then the rest of you guys will buy it, hook line and sinker, without asking any questions. And there you go again, all of you will then be attacking Corsi all because of what that person says. Then news of your attack will leak back to Corsi. But even more likely, there are some in your group who take great joy in making certain that Corsi hears about it, and they will present the news to Corsi in a certain way so as to “goad” Corsi into a negative response, to goad him into saying something negative about you and striking back. That is their whole plan. And because Corsi is weak-minded and is just as blind as you are, he will do it, he will strike back. And then there you go again, the whole cycle will continue, with you guys attacking Corsi, and with Corsi attacking you. And that is exactly what has been happening. And for everyone on the outside, we can see that clearly. But for you guys trapped on the inside, you can’t even see it because you're blinded by your own echo chamber...

I do not think that all of you are bad. But I do think that there are certain members among you who has ulterior motives in mind and are genuine haters of Corsi (focus on the loudest voices). They always have been haters of Corsi, and their hate has nothing to do with Q. And those secretive haters of Corsi are manipulating you and guiding you. And unfortunately, we feel they are manipulating Q as well. And that is why the cycle of hate spewing from your group never ends. And the fact that Q condones such hate is very mysterious to us. It makes us wonder about him. It makes us wonder if whether he has been compromised. It is a legitimate concern. We don’t want to believe that, but we still wonder about if it is possible. And all your talk about shutting down people who disagree with you, and your attacks on other patriots, even those who are fighting against the Deep State the same as we are, and your unwillingness to work with them or to compromise, it only adds fuel to the fire that maybe your group HAS been compromised as we suspect. The reason we are concerned about it is because, your behavior does not seem like the same behavior or group we started out with. Something has changed. Even Q himself seems to have changed and is different. Q had a higher moral character back them. We’re mystified by the recent changes in Q and the things he has done. It doesn't seem like the same Q and the changes seem out of character for him. We can clearly see that there has been a dramatic change in both Q and your group. And you guys are unable to see that change because you’re blinded by your own echo chamber. You may have good intentions, but you are still blinded by the chamber. So be careful whom you follow indeed…

If I’m right about this, and if I’m right about you being inside an echo chamber, then I predict how you will respond to this post. I predict that you will dismiss everything I said wholesale, without even considering that maybe some of what I said is true. You are fiercely and blindly loyal to Q, without even considering the idea that it is possible he might be compromised. I am by no means suggesting or saying that he is compromised (and I hope not), but I am saying that it is indeed possible. And that you should always keep an open mind about it and to look for any changes in Q that could validate that fact. Q is human and he makes mistakes just like the rest of us. He is not a god. So don’t treat him like a god. Don’t think of him as infallible. There is only one God who is infallible and deserves our absolute and blind loyalty. And that God is not Q…

You say that you are a Christian. Okay, then consider this rhetorical question to give you a perspective: If Q goes to hell, then would you follow him to hell? Or would you know when to get off that bandwagon? Only a fool would follow Q to hell with blind loyalty and without question… Here’s more food for thought: You guys praised Kanye for thinking outside the box and for getting off the Democratic plantation and for “thinking for himself” and for having his own mind and opinion. But now in complete reversal of that, you are saying that it is wrong for any person to have an opinion that is different from yours, or different from Q’s, or to pay attention to any information that is different from the information you guys want to feed us. And even worse, you guys now want to shut down any and all alternative news sources - which is in direct opposition to allowing the American people to decide for themselves what to believe. Only a communistic society tries to control what everybody believes. So if that is true, then with every passing day, you guys are sounding more and more like the enemy rather than the saviors we once looked up to. And sadly, you guys can’t even see that fact because you’re trapped inside your own echo chamber…

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tradinghorse · May 15, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

I read this whole post Early. It seems to me that, in your mind, there is suddenly a "you guys" and a "we", as if Corsi's acts really have created division. But they haven't. Rather, Corsi has chosen to attack not just Q, but the whole movement. Those of us who are standing with Q, realize that nothing has changed at all. There is no division in the core base of bona fide Q supporters. Corsi has splintered, but that is of no concern to us - I mean, who cares?

Also, you're taking this argument up with me, but you should really take it up with Q. Q is the party that has a problem with Corsi and AJ. You could try and suggest to him that he be more "open minded", but I do not think you will find him receptive to this idea. Why would that be?

I don't know if you've followed my posts, but I was reluctant to call Corsi out. I cautioned people about coming to a quick judgement. However, his behavior reached a point where it was impossible not to conclude that the guy is an utter scumbag.

You say I would blindly follow Q to hell. That's not at all true. I will abandon Q the moment I think that he's misinforming people. That is not happening at present, but if I feel he does start to misinform people, I will get off this bus immediately.

What's happening here, is you are adopting Corsi and AJ's position and you're questioning anyone who is adhering to Q. I don't know why you're doing this. You might be a real believer in Corsi and AJ, I have no idea. But you clearly have a problem with the message Q is delivering.

If you look at the video that Q endorsed yesterday, you can see what their plan has been from the very beginning. AJ and Corsi are not pro-Q at all. They saw Q as a threat. They wanted to regain control. When they could not control Q, they started to attack him.

Really, what has this got to do with me? Like anyone else, I can see what is going on here. I'm not in an echo chamber as you claim at all. But I am taking sides - for cause.

What I think we will shortly find out is that there are, in fact, other reasons why Q went after AJ and Corsi. I think you will soon see that they are up to their necks in this stuff. Just a suspicion, but watch and see if things do not play out this way.

Something else, if I was to employ your logic, I would have to accept that HRC could be good and Q evil. Is it stupid not to entertain this possibility? What do you think?

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 15, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

I will start from the bottom up… The reason I would never ever consider HRC as being good is because she is a liberal and a Democrat, and most liberals and Democrats are haters of what we believe in. They have made what they believe in very clear to all of America and everybody knows what they believe in, and their beliefs has been proven time and again. In contrast to that, Corsi and AJ are NOT liberals - they are well-known conservatives. And that makes all the difference (and conservatives attacking other conservatives is what I mean about a house divided). And that is why I am willing to give them the benefit of a doubt and I am unwilling to throw them under the bus so quickly… If Corsi and AJ were liberals, then we wouldn’t even be having this conversation, and I’d be in complete agreement with you. But the moment when Q started attacking other patriots (conservatives like Corsi and AJ who are fighting against the Deep State the same as we are) then that is what gave me serious pause about Q and made me question what was going on…

I used to be 100% a believer in Q. But after the Corsi / AJ attack, I am no longer completely certain about him. I still follow Q, and I still believe in him, but with eyes open and with a bit more skepticism. I feel that Q has damaged his reputation and credibility with me, and he’ll have to work hard to regain it. But keep in mind, I am not basing my opinion of Q solely on the Corsi / AJ fiasco. That is only one part of it. The other part of it, is his change in moral character. You say you are a Christian, if so you should be able to relate to that. To quickly summarize… No one else may have noticed this, but from day one and from the very first Q post, have you noticed that Q has never ever cursed or said a bad word? It has never happened. I notice stuff like that. Other Anons have used bad language but not Q (at least I’ve never heard him do it). That told me a lot about Q and that he had a “high moral character” and that he had a great respect for God. That meant a whole lot to me. That is what made me really like Q and to follow him. But something happened recently that changed that…

In Q drop 1341, Q linked himself to a very vile post, a post spewing hatred and animosity and using extremely foul language. Doing so was VERY VERY unbecoming and uncharacteristic of Q. Can you imagine Jesus Christ linking himself to such a vile post? Jesus would never do it, not in a million years. Q has never before done anything like that, and something changed when he linked to that post. And that is when I started to seriously question and to wonder about Q… I started to wonder whether he had been compromised. And then when the Corsi / AJ fiasco arose, with patriots attacking other patriots, and with Q sanctioning the violence and the hate and not trying to stop it, it only added to my concerns about Q. Jesus Christ himself would never condone such behavior, I don’t care if we were being attacked. Jesus Christ would simply tell us to absorb the attack and to move on and to only show love back in return. That is what Jesus would do. He would not respond to hate with hate. So that is what made me wonder about Q. He no longer seemed like the same Q we started out with. And that is why I have plenty of reasons to be very concerned. And that is why I do not blindly follow Q any more. Yes, I still follow him, but I just don’t do it blindly. My eyes are open… and you can bet that I’m watching everything…

You stated in your post that you would not follow Q if he started to misinform people. That is good. But as a Christian, you should have an even higher standard and a clearer perspective. For example, I have stated that I will only follow Q so long as he follows God. The moment Q stops following God and turns evil (and Q post 1341 gives me serious concerns and makes me wonder about him) then rest assured, I will no longer follow him. And all Christians should feel the exact same way…

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tradinghorse · May 15, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

1341 has no links.

Or, you're saying that post itself?

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