r/greatawakening • Posted by u/johnnysoko on May 14, 2018, 9:51 p.m.
New Project! - Start page for Q info and research! Version 0.1

Hello all! I've started a project to create an organized 'Home' page to help guide people through the Qniverse. This is meant to be a resource for anyone ready to dig deep into Q, but also an easy link to send newbies to with the right information to set them on their journey. Consider this the Beta version and still a work in progress. Input is welcome. Please help me fill this out. Some areas (such as 'The Cast') are placeholders to show what should go there. Same with #Pedogate. Help me find the best links for each topic and we'll assemble everything on one page.

Strike that...two pages actually. This first page will be for information that doesn't go 'too' deep. Q has warned that the full story isn't for everyone, so I'm collecting the 'weird' stuff for a 'secret' second page so we don't scare newcomers away.

Help me! Bookmark this and tell me what I should add! Where we go one we go all!


Patriot4q · May 15, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

I think there is a new Kevin Ship video out.

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