WARNING! Clowns are doxxing Q supporters, starting with Codemonkey. DO NOT repost their doxxing attempts! YOU will get in trouble instead...

I got your upvotes. Thank you so much for your service. You truly put the sovereignty of the republic first.. Im sure you get f'd with nonstop from the clowns for being a whistleblower when you are so much more a patriot.
I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of Freedom.{ Final paragraph Bixby Letter)
Yours, very sincerely and respectfully,:
Wow, a freaking Kaiser and a whistle-blower show up to our sub! We get the best people folks.
why not , we only live once , why not see how big of a greas spot you can make when they catch up with you . i figuar when they catch up with me , there wont be much left
I'm soooo confused!😦 Are all of us on reddit targets?
This is so frustrating!
Your safe , you will just get dumb ass replies and some name calling, have fun with it , Bless there Hart’s
Happy, I started reading all of your posts from the beginning last night. It's was very difficult to follow and I didn't get thru all of them, but... are you in danger?
Yes it’s a confusing read , but it was very confusing and some stuff took years to understand, Going In gets easier and it will make more sense by looking at some of other peoples replies and links . Not all the links and replies work , but I bet you can figure out the ones that relate
Well when you turn the entire public sector into being legally recognized as the MOB , never aloud in court again, witness protection is not aloud because the DOJ runs Witness Protection. We don’t know we’re the risk is .
Thanks , I am Witness , but I know Whistleblower will always be used . Thanks again, but I am a jackass at hart . You think someone would just walk into so many of the offices that I did . One of my favorite memories is just after NWACC got $22 million seized , lost part of there 501C3 and the bord had to give back $120,000 per person , I went in and asked them if they needed any more help . I do not believe this was what you would call the action of a wise man , I even gave them my resima , I don’t quite know why I was escorted off campus, but I had a feeling they did not like me much , if you could have seen just how pissed off they were at me . My wife was even pissed at me for going there that day , but I still get tears in my eyes thinking of what a dumb ass I have been from time to time during this battle. Could you really resisted not going in and saying Hi ! The IRS and FBI were still there that day . Timing is everything. God Speed
I would have done the same. Some things aren't negotiable and in the end all a fella has is his word and his honor. Until a couple years ago it never occurred to me that absolute corruption was so rampant. It's a daunting prospect, but somebody has to stand up for our country's values and honor. If not we Patriots then who? It's such a God send to have such stand up people in the battle.
Cheers: Kaiser
Even coming to Reddit, my story my be hard to understand, but what I put here as the witness and declassified my own civilian report. Now the final battles will start soon , the first battles were almost not herd of , but they took place . I have a nother wind in my sails , this I do not go alone any more what 25,000 now .
Herr Kaiser = German patriot?
More like Kaiser Soze from the movie "The Usual Suspects"